Yes, if you're happy with that then it sounds good to me.

On 10 December 2013 12:51, Ethan Jackson <> wrote:
>> I believe that in this case, the sensible place to update
>> bfd->forwarding is in bfd_run(), however this is not currently
>> happening. I suggest ensuring that bfd_forwarding__() happens in every
>> bfd_run(), not only when the detect_timer expires.
> You need bfd_forwarding__ to be called because it updates the global change 
> seq?
> At any rate, could you write up a patch which does this and fold it
> into your series?  It sounds reasonable.
> Ethan
>> On 10 December 2013 10:09, Joe Stringer <> wrote:
>>> There is a minor test failure with this latest version and my patches,
>>> but I am happy that this due to problems with the testsuite and not
>>> this patch. I'll send an update for my relevant patch.
>>> On 9 December 2013 17:36, Alex Wang <> wrote:
>>>> The only thing is I didn't follow is:
>>>> """
>>>> Do we really still need the bfd_forwarding_if_rx_update() function?
>>>> It's so short and only called in this one place, could we just move
>>>> it's code there?
>>>> """
>>>> Since there are two other places where bfd_forwarding_if_rx_update() are
>>>> called, and I think they are necessary.
>>>> Thanks,
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