> systemctl is part of systemd. If you have systemctl installed, then the
> system should be ready to use systemd service units just fine.

My point is that Centos and RHEL RPMS do not have the systemd files as
part of the rpms.
So if systemctl exists and the
usr_lib_systemd_system_openvswitch.service does not exist in the
system, there will be a failure, isn't it?
(You are making a change in a script that is also part of rhel/centos rpms.)
>> > Okay. Is there any reason not to call
>> > "/usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/openvswitch.init start" instead? It
>> > will ensure that we have the same type of template file for all
>> > platforms.
> Yes, systemd is a bit smart, so it monitors the services for us. So
> taking out any wrappers is better. Since that openvswitch.init script
> is just a wrapper and uses a deprecated /var/lock, I considered that
> it would be better to just leave it alone not use it with systemd.
During Open vSwitch upgrades in other platforms, we use a command
called 'force-reload-kmod' in the startup scripts that restarts
packages and also safely reloads the kernel module. I guess, systemd
does not let you use such commnads?
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