From: Bruce Davie <>

The hardware VTEP OVSDB schema specifies relations that a VTEP can use
to integrate physical ports into logical switches maintained by a
network virtualization controller such as NVP.

Co-authored-by: Ben Pfaff <>
Co-authored-by: Kenneth Duda <>
Co-authored-by: Justin Pettit <>
Signed-off-by: Bruce Davie <>
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <>
Signed-off-by: Kenneth Duda <>
Signed-off-by: Justin Pettit <>
---         |    1 +
 lib/.gitignore      |    3 +
 lib/     |   17 +-
 lib/vtep-idl.ann    |    9 +
 vtep/.gitignore     |    6 +
 vtep/    |   46 ++++
 vtep/vtep.ovsschema |  157 +++++++++++
 vtep/vtep.xml       |  717 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 954 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/vtep-idl.ann
 create mode 100644 vtep/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 vtep/
 create mode 100644 vtep/vtep.ovsschema
 create mode 100644 vtep/vtep.xml

diff --git a/ b/
index 5b9e0ac..45eb3c5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -274,3 +274,4 @@ include xenserver/
 include python/
 include python/compat/
 include tutorial/
+include vtep/
diff --git a/lib/.gitignore b/lib/.gitignore
index f4c59ad..31346e4 100644
--- a/lib/.gitignore
+++ b/lib/.gitignore
@@ -8,3 +8,6 @@
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index da390ab..8fdc162 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -229,7 +229,9 @@ lib_libopenvswitch_a_SOURCES = \
        lib/vlog.c \
        lib/vlog.h \
        lib/vswitch-idl.c \
-       lib/vswitch-idl.h
+       lib/vswitch-idl.h \
+       lib/vtep-idl.c \
+       lib/vtep-idl.h
 nodist_lib_libopenvswitch_a_SOURCES = \
@@ -334,7 +336,10 @@ MAN_FRAGMENTS += \
        $(srcdir)/lib/vswitch-idl.c \
        $(srcdir)/lib/vswitch-idl.h \
-       $(srcdir)/lib/vswitch-idl.ovsidl
+       $(srcdir)/lib/vswitch-idl.ovsidl \
+       $(srcdir)/lib/vtep-idl.c \
+       $(srcdir)/lib/vtep-idl.h \
+       $(srcdir)/lib/vtep-idl.ovsidl
 EXTRA_DIST += $(srcdir)/lib/vswitch-idl.ann
@@ -344,6 +349,14 @@ $(srcdir)/lib/vswitch-idl.ovsidl: $(VSWITCH_IDL_FILES)
        $(OVSDB_IDLC) annotate $(VSWITCH_IDL_FILES) > $@.tmp
        mv $@.tmp $@
+EXTRA_DIST += $(srcdir)/lib/vtep-idl.ann
+       $(srcdir)/vtep/vtep.ovsschema \
+       $(srcdir)/lib/vtep-idl.ann
+$(srcdir)/lib/vtep-idl.ovsidl: $(VTEP_IDL_FILES)
+       $(OVSDB_IDLC) annotate $(VTEP_IDL_FILES) > $@.tmp
+       mv $@.tmp $@
 lib/dirs.c: lib/ Makefile
        ($(ro_c) && sed < $(srcdir)/lib/ \
                -e 's,[@]srcdir[@],$(srcdir),g' \
diff --git a/lib/vtep-idl.ann b/lib/vtep-idl.ann
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ffe585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/vtep-idl.ann
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+# This code, when invoked by "ovsdb-idlc annotate" (by the build
+# process), annotates vswitch.ovsschema with additional data that give
+# the ovsdb-idl engine information about the types involved, so that
+# it can generate more programmer-friendly data structures.
+s["idlPrefix"] = "vteprec_"
+s["idlHeader"] = "\"lib/vtep-idl.h\""
diff --git a/vtep/.gitignore b/vtep/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1549759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vtep/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/vtep/ b/vtep/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db12c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vtep/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# VTEP schema and IDL
+EXTRA_DIST += vtep/vtep.ovsschema
+pkgdata_DATA += vtep/vtep.ovsschema
+# VTEP E-R diagram
+# If "python" or "dot" is not available, then we do not add graphical diagram
+# to the documentation.
+vtep/vtep.gv: ovsdb/ vtep/vtep.ovsschema
+       $(OVSDB_DOT) --no-arrows $(srcdir)/vtep/vtep.ovsschema > $@
+vtep/vtep.pic: vtep/vtep.gv ovsdb/dot2pic
+       (dot -T plain < vtep/vtep.gv | $(srcdir)/ovsdb/dot2pic -f 3) > $@;
+VTEP_PIC = vtep/vtep.pic
+VTEP_DOT_DIAGRAM_ARG = --er-diagram=$(VTEP_PIC)
+DISTCLEANFILES += vtep/vtep.gv vtep/vtep.pic
+# VTEP schema documentation
+EXTRA_DIST += vtep/vtep.xml
+DISTCLEANFILES += vtep/vtep.5
+dist_man_MANS += vtep/vtep.5
+$(srcdir)/vtep/vtep.5: \
+       ovsdb/ovsdb-doc vtep/vtep.xml vtep/vtep.ovsschema $(VTEP_PIC)
+       $(OVSDB_DOC) \
+               --title="vtep" \
+               $(VTEP_DOT_DIAGRAM_ARG) \
+               $(srcdir)/vtep/vtep.ovsschema \
+               $(srcdir)/vtep/vtep.xml > $@.tmp
+       mv $@.tmp $@
+# Version checking for vtep.ovsschema.
+ALL_LOCAL += vtep/vtep.ovsschema.stamp
+vtep/vtep.ovsschema.stamp: vtep/vtep.ovsschema
+       @sum=`sed '/cksum/d' $? | cksum`; \
+       expected=`sed -n 's/.*"cksum": "\(.*\)".*/\1/p' $?`; \
+       if test "X$$sum" = "X$$expected"; then \
+         touch $@; \
+       else \
+         ln=`sed -n '/"cksum":/=' $?`; \
+         echo >&2 "$?:$$ln: checksum \"$$sum\" does not match (you should 
probably update the version number and fix the checksum)"; \
+         exit 1; \
+       fi
+CLEANFILES += vtep/vtep.ovsschema.stamp
diff --git a/vtep/vtep.ovsschema b/vtep/vtep.ovsschema
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d03d96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vtep/vtep.ovsschema
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+  "name": "hardware_vtep",
+  "cksum": "825115144 5318",
+  "tables": {
+    "Global": {
+      "columns": {
+        "managers": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+                           "refTable": "Manager"},
+                   "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},
+       "switches": {
+         "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid", "refTable": "Physical_Switch"},
+                  "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}
+      },
+      "maxRows": 1,
+      "isRoot": true},
+    "Physical_Switch": {
+      "columns": {
+       "ports": {
+         "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid", "refTable": "Physical_Port"},
+                  "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},
+        "name": {"type": "string"},
+        "description": {"type": "string"},
+        "management_ips": {
+         "type": {"key": {"type": "string"}, "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},
+        "tunnel_ips": {
+         "type": {"key": {"type": "string"}, "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}},
+      "indexes": [["name"]]},
+    "Physical_Port": {
+      "columns": {
+        "name": {"type": "string"},
+        "description": {"type": "string"},
+       "vlan_bindings": {
+         "type": {"key": {"type": "integer",
+                          "minInteger": 0, "maxInteger": 4095},
+                  "value": {"type": "uuid", "refTable": "Logical_Switch"},
+                  "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},
+        "vlan_stats": {
+         "type": {"key": {"type": "integer",
+                          "minInteger": 0, "maxInteger": 4095},
+                  "value": {"type": "uuid",
+                            "refTable": "Logical_Binding_Stats"},
+                  "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}}},
+    "Logical_Binding_Stats": {
+      "columns": {
+        "bytes_from_local": {"type": "integer"},
+        "packets_from_local": {"type": "integer"},
+        "bytes_to_local": {"type": "integer"},
+        "packets_to_local": {"type": "integer"}}},
+    "Logical_Switch": {
+      "columns": {
+        "name": {"type": "string"},
+        "description": {"type": "string"},
+       "tunnel_key": {"type": {"key": "integer", "min": 0, "max": 1}}},
+      "isRoot": true,
+      "indexes": [["name"]]},
+    "Ucast_Macs_Local": {
+      "columns": {
+        "MAC": {"type": "string"},
+       "logical_switch": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+                          "refTable": "Logical_Switch"}}},
+       "locator": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+                          "refTable": "Physical_Locator"}}},
+        "ipaddr": {"type": "string"}},
+      "isRoot": true},
+    "Ucast_Macs_Remote": {
+      "columns": {
+        "MAC": {"type": "string"},
+       "logical_switch": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+                          "refTable": "Logical_Switch"}}},
+       "locator": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+                          "refTable": "Physical_Locator"}}},
+        "ipaddr": {"type": "string"}},
+      "isRoot": true},
+    "Mcast_Macs_Local": {
+      "columns": {
+        "MAC": {"type": "string"},
+       "logical_switch": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+                          "refTable": "Logical_Switch"}}},
+       "locator_set": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+                          "refTable": "Physical_Locator_Set"}}},
+        "ipaddr": {"type": "string"}},
+      "isRoot": true},
+    "Mcast_Macs_Remote": {
+      "columns": {
+        "MAC": {"type": "string"},
+       "logical_switch": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+                          "refTable": "Logical_Switch"}}},
+       "locator_set": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+                          "refTable": "Physical_Locator_Set"}}},
+        "ipaddr": {"type": "string"}},
+      "isRoot": true},
+    "Logical_Router": {
+      "columns": {
+        "name": {"type": "string"},
+        "description": {"type": "string"},
+       "switch_binding": {
+         "type": {"key": {"type": "string"},
+                  "value": {"type": "uuid",
+                             "refTable": "Logical_Switch"},
+                  "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},
+       "static_routes": {
+         "type": {"key": {"type": "string"},
+                  "value": {"type" : "string"},
+                  "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}},
+      "isRoot": true,
+      "indexes": [["name"]]},
+    "Physical_Locator_Set": {
+      "columns": {
+        "locators": {
+         "type": {"key": {"type": "uuid", "refTable": "Physical_Locator"},
+                  "min": 1, "max": "unlimited"},
+                  "mutable": false}}},
+    "Physical_Locator": {
+      "columns": {
+        "encapsulation_type": {
+          "type": {
+            "key": {
+              "enum": ["set", ["vxlan_over_ipv4"]],
+              "type": "string"}},
+         "mutable": false},
+        "dst_ip": {"type": "string", "mutable": false},
+       "bfd": {
+          "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string",
+              "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},
+       "bfd_status": {
+          "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string",
+              "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}},
+      "indexes": [["encapsulation_type", "dst_ip"]]},
+    "Manager": {
+      "columns": {
+        "target": {"type": "string"},
+        "max_backoff": {
+          "type": {"key": {"type": "integer",
+                           "minInteger": 1000},
+                   "min": 0, "max": 1}},
+        "inactivity_probe": {
+          "type": {"key": "integer", "min": 0, "max": 1}},
+        "other_config": {
+          "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string", "min": 0, "max": 
+        "is_connected": {
+          "type": "boolean",
+          "ephemeral": true},
+        "status": {
+          "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string", "min": 0, "max": 
+          "ephemeral": true}},
+      "indexes": [["target"]],
+      "isRoot": false}},
+  "version": "1.0.0"}
diff --git a/vtep/vtep.xml b/vtep/vtep.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fd7495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vtep/vtep.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<database title="Hardware VTEP Database">
+  <p>
+    This schema specifies relations that a VTEP can use to integrate
+    physical ports into logical switches maintained by a network
+    virtualization controller such as NSX.
+  </p>
+  <p>Glossary:</p>
+  <dl>
+    <dt>VTEP</dt>
+    <dd>
+      VXLAN Tunnel End Point, an entity which originates and/or terminates
+      VXLAN tunnels.
+    </dd>
+    <dt>HSC</dt>
+    <dd>
+      Hardware Switch Controller.
+    </dd>
+    <dt>NVC</dt>
+    <dd>
+      Network Virtualization Controller, e.g. NSX.
+    </dd>
+    <dt>VRF</dt>
+    <dd>
+      Virtual Routing and Forwarding instance.
+    </dd>
+ </dl>
+  <table name="Global" title="Top-level configuration.">
+    Top-level configuration for a hardware VTEP.  There must be
+    exactly one record in the <ref table="Global"/> table.
+    <column name="switches">
+      The physical switches managed by the VTEP.
+    </column>
+    <group title="Database Configuration">
+      <p>
+        These columns primarily configure the database server
+        (<code>ovsdb-server</code>), not the hardware VTEP itself.
+      </p>
+      <column name="managers">
+        Database clients to which the database server should connect or
+        to which it should listen, along with options for how these
+        connection should be configured.  See the <ref table="Manager"/>
+        table for more information.
+      </column>
+    </group>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Manager" title="OVSDB management connection.">
+    <p>
+      Configuration for a database connection to an Open vSwitch Database
+      (OVSDB) client.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The database server can initiate and maintain active connections
+      to remote clients.  It can also listen for database connections.
+    </p>
+    <group title="Core Features">
+      <column name="target">
+        <p>Connection method for managers.</p>
+        <p>
+          The following connection methods are currently supported:
+        </p>
+        <dl>
+          <dd>
+            <p>
+              The specified SSL <var>port</var> (default: 6632) on the host at
+              the given <var>ip</var>, which must be expressed as an IP address
+              (not a DNS name).
+            </p>
+            <p>
+             SSL key and certificate configuration happens outside the
+             database.
+            </p>
+          </dd>
+          <dd>
+            The specified TCP <var>port</var> (default: 6632) on the host at
+            the given <var>ip</var>, which must be expressed as an IP address
+            (not a DNS name).
+          </dd>
+          <dd>
+            <p>
+              Listens for SSL connections on the specified TCP <var>port</var>
+              (default: 6632).  If <var>ip</var>, which must be expressed as an
+              IP address (not a DNS name), is specified, then connections are
+              restricted to the specified local IP address.
+            </p>
+          </dd>
+          <dd>
+            Listens for connections on the specified TCP <var>port</var>
+            (default: 6632).  If <var>ip</var>, which must be expressed as an
+            IP address (not a DNS name), is specified, then connections are
+            restricted to the specified local IP address.
+          </dd>
+        </dl>
+      </column>
+    </group>
+    <group title="Client Failure Detection and Handling">
+      <column name="max_backoff">
+        Maximum number of milliseconds to wait between connection attempts.
+        Default is implementation-specific.
+      </column>
+      <column name="inactivity_probe">
+        Maximum number of milliseconds of idle time on connection to the
+        client before sending an inactivity probe message.  If the Open
+        vSwitch database does not communicate with the client for the
+        specified number of seconds, it will send a probe.  If a
+        response is not received for the same additional amount of time,
+        the database server assumes the connection has been broken
+        and attempts to reconnect.  Default is implementation-specific.
+        A value of 0 disables inactivity probes.
+      </column>
+    </group>
+    <group title="Status">
+      <column name="is_connected">
+        <code>true</code> if currently connected to this manager,
+        <code>false</code> otherwise.
+      </column>
+      <column name="status" key="last_error">
+        A human-readable description of the last error on the connection
+        to the manager; i.e. <code>strerror(errno)</code>.  This key
+        will exist only if an error has occurred.
+      </column>
+      <column name="status" key="state"
+              type='{"type": "string", "enum": ["set", ["VOID", "BACKOFF", 
+        <p>
+          The state of the connection to the manager:
+        </p>
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code>VOID</code></dt>
+          <dd>Connection is disabled.</dd>
+          <dt><code>BACKOFF</code></dt>
+          <dd>Attempting to reconnect at an increasing period.</dd>
+          <dt><code>CONNECTING</code></dt>
+          <dd>Attempting to connect.</dd>
+          <dt><code>ACTIVE</code></dt>
+          <dd>Connected, remote host responsive.</dd>
+          <dt><code>IDLE</code></dt>
+          <dd>Connection is idle.  Waiting for response to keep-alive.</dd>
+        </dl>
+        <p>
+          These values may change in the future.  They are provided only for
+          human consumption.
+        </p>
+      </column>
+      <column name="status" key="sec_since_connect"
+              type='{"type": "integer", "minInteger": 0}'>
+        The amount of time since this manager last successfully connected
+        to the database (in seconds). Value is empty if manager has never
+        successfully connected.
+      </column>
+      <column name="status" key="sec_since_disconnect"
+              type='{"type": "integer", "minInteger": 0}'>
+        The amount of time since this manager last disconnected from the
+        database (in seconds). Value is empty if manager has never
+        disconnected.
+      </column>
+      <column name="status" key="locks_held">
+        Space-separated list of the names of OVSDB locks that the connection
+        holds.  Omitted if the connection does not hold any locks.
+      </column>
+      <column name="status" key="locks_waiting">
+        Space-separated list of the names of OVSDB locks that the connection is
+        currently waiting to acquire.  Omitted if the connection is not waiting
+        for any locks.
+      </column>
+      <column name="status" key="locks_lost">
+        Space-separated list of the names of OVSDB locks that the connection
+        has had stolen by another OVSDB client.  Omitted if no locks have been
+        stolen from this connection.
+      </column>
+      <column name="status" key="n_connections"
+              type='{"type": "integer", "minInteger": 2}'>
+        <p>
+          When <ref column="target"/> specifies a connection method that
+          listens for inbound connections (e.g. <code>ptcp:</code> or
+          <code>pssl:</code>) and more than one connection is actually active,
+          the value is the number of active connections.  Otherwise, this
+          key-value pair is omitted.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          When multiple connections are active, status columns and key-value
+          pairs (other than this one) report the status of one arbitrarily
+          chosen connection.
+        </p>
+      </column>
+    </group>
+    <group title="Connection Parameters">
+      <p>
+        Additional configuration for a connection between the manager
+        and the database server.
+      </p>
+      <column name="other_config" key="dscp"
+                type='{"type": "integer"}'>
+        The Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) is specified using 6 bits
+        in the Type of Service (TOS) field in the IP header. DSCP provides a
+        mechanism to classify the network traffic and provide Quality of
+        Service (QoS) on IP networks.
+        The DSCP value specified here is used when establishing the
+        connection between the manager and the database server.  If no
+        value is specified, a default value of 48 is chosen.  Valid DSCP
+        values must be in the range 0 to 63.
+      </column>
+    </group>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Physical_Switch" title="A physical switch.">
+    A physical switch that implements a VTEP.
+    <column name="ports">
+      The physical ports within the switch.
+    </column>
+    <group title="Network Status">
+      <column name="management_ips">
+        IPv4 or IPv6 addresses at which the switch may be contacted
+        for management purposes.
+      </column>
+      <column name="tunnel_ips">
+        <p>
+          IPv4 or IPv6 addresses on which the switch may originate or
+          terminate tunnels.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          This column is intended to allow a <ref table="Manager"/> to
+          determine the <ref table="Physical_Switch"/> that terminates
+          the tunnel represented by a <ref table="Physical_Locator"/>.
+        </p>
+      </column>
+    </group>
+    <group title="Identification">
+      <column name="name">
+       Symbolic name for the switch, such as its hostname.
+      </column>
+      <column name="description">
+       An extended description for the switch, such as its switch login
+       banner.
+      </column>
+    </group>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Physical_Port" title="A port within a physical switch.">
+    A port within a <ref table="Physical_Switch"/>.
+    <column name="vlan_bindings">
+      Identifies how VLANs on the physical port are bound to logical switches.
+      If, for example, the map contains a (VLAN, logical switch) pair, a packet
+      that arrives on the port in the VLAN is considered to belong to the
+      paired logical switch.
+    </column>
+    <column name="vlan_stats">
+      Statistics for VLANs bound to logical switches on the physical port.  An
+      implementation that fully supports such statistics would populate this
+      column with a mapping for every VLAN that is bound in <ref
+      column="vlan_bindings"/>.  An implementation that does not support such
+      statistics or only partially supports them would not populate this column
+      or partially populate it, respectively.
+    </column>
+    <group title="Identification">
+      <column name="name">
+       Symbolic name for the port.  The name ought to be unique within a given
+       <ref table="Physical_Switch"/>, but the database is not capable of
+       enforcing this.
+      </column>
+      <column name="description">
+       An extended description for the port.
+      </column>
+    </group>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Logical_Binding_Stats" title="Statistics for a VLAN on a 
physical port bound to a logical network.">
+    Reports statistics for the <ref table="Logical_Switch"/> with which a VLAN
+    on a <ref table="Physical_Port"/> is associated.
+    <group title="Statistics">
+      These statistics count only packets to which the binding applies.
+      <column name="packets_from_local">
+        Number of packets sent by the <ref table="Physical_Switch"/>.
+      </column>
+      <column name="bytes_from_local">
+        Number of bytes in packets sent by the <ref table="Physical_Switch"/>.
+      </column>
+      <column name="packets_to_local">
+        Number of packets received by the <ref table="Physical_Switch"/>.
+      </column>
+      <column name="bytes_to_local">
+        Number of bytes in packets received by the <ref
+        table="Physical_Switch"/>.
+      </column>
+    </group>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Logical_Switch" title="A layer-2 domain.">
+    A logical Ethernet switch, whose implementation may span physical and
+    virtual media, possibly crossing L3 domains via tunnels; a logical layer-2
+    domain; an Ethernet broadcast domain.
+    <group title="Per Logical-Switch Tunnel Key">
+      <p>
+        Tunnel protocols tend to have a field that allows the tunnel
+        to be partitioned into sub-tunnels: VXLAN has a VNI, GRE and
+        STT have a key, CAPWAP has a WSI, and so on.  We call these
+        generically ``tunnel keys.''  Given that one needs to use a
+        tunnel key at all, there are at least two reasonable ways to
+        assign their values:
+      </p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>
+          <p>
+            Per <ref table="Logical_Switch"/>+<ref table="Physical_Locator"/>
+            pair.  That is, each logical switch may be assigned a different
+            tunnel key on every <ref table="Physical_Locator"/>.  This model is
+            especially flexible.
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            In this model, <ref table="Physical_Locator"/> carries the tunnel
+            key.  Therefore, one <ref table="Physical_Locator"/> record will
+            exist for each logical switch carried at a given IP destination.
+          </p>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+          <p>
+            Per <ref table="Logical_Switch"/>.  That is, every tunnel
+            associated with a particular logical switch carries the same tunnel
+            key, regardless of the <ref table="Physical_Locator"/> to which the
+            tunnel is addressed.  This model may ease switch implementation
+            because it imposes fewer requirements on the hardware datapath.
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            In this model, <ref table="Logical_Switch"/> carries the tunnel
+            key.  Therefore, one <ref table="Physical_Locator"/> record will
+            exist for each IP destination.
+          </p>
+        </li>
+      </ul>
+      <column name="tunnel_key">
+        <p>
+          This column is used only in the tunnel key per <ref
+          table="Logical_Switch"/> model (see above), because only in that
+          model is there a tunnel key associated with a logical switch.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          For <code>vxlan_over_ipv4</code> encapsulation, this column
+          is the VXLAN VNI that identifies a logical switch.  It must
+          be in the range 0 to 16,777,215.
+        </p>
+      </column>
+    </group>
+    <group title="Identification">
+      <column name="name">
+       Symbolic name for the logical switch.
+      </column>
+      <column name="description">
+       An extended description for the logical switch, such as its switch
+       login banner.
+      </column>
+    </group>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Ucast_Macs_Local" title="Unicast MACs (local)">
+    <p>
+      Mapping of unicast MAC addresses to tunnels (physical
+      locators). This table is written by the HSC, so it contains the
+      MAC addresses that have been learned on physical ports by a
+      VTEP. 
+    </p>
+    <column name="MAC">
+      A MAC address that has been learned by the VTEP.
+    </column>
+    <column name="logical_switch">
+      The Logical switch to which this mapping applies.
+    </column>
+    <column name="locator">
+      The physical locator to be used to reach this MAC address. In
+      this table, the physical locator will be one of the tunnel IP
+      addresses of the appropriate VTEP.
+    </column>
+    <column name="ipaddr">
+      The IP address to which this MAC corresponds. Optional field for
+      the purpose of ARP supression.
+    </column>
+  </table>
+ <table name="Ucast_Macs_Remote" title="Unicast MACs (remote)">
+    <p>
+      Mapping of unicast MAC addresses to tunnels (physical
+      locators). This table is written by the NVC, so it contains the
+      MAC addresses that the NVC has learned. These include VM MAC
+      addresses, in which case the physical locators will be
+      hypervisor IP addresses. The NVC will also report MACs that it
+      has learned from other HSCs in the network, in which case the
+      physical locators will be tunnel IP addresses of the
+      corresponding VTEPs.
+    </p>
+    <column name="MAC">
+      A MAC address that has been learned by the NSC.
+    </column>
+    <column name="logical_switch">
+      The Logical switch to which this mapping applies.
+    </column>
+    <column name="locator">
+      The physical locator to be used to reach this MAC address. In
+      this table, the physical locator will be either a hypervisor IP
+      address or a tunnel IP addresses of another VTEP.
+    </column>
+    <column name="ipaddr">
+      The IP address to which this MAC corresponds. Optional field for
+      the purpose of ARP supression.
+    </column>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Mcast_Macs_Local" title="Multicast MACs (local)">
+    <p>
+      Mapping of multicast MAC addresses to tunnels (physical
+      locators). This table is written by the HSC, so it contains the
+      MAC addresses that have been learned on physical ports by a
+      VTEP. These may be learned by IGMP snooping, for example. This
+      table also specifies how to handle unknown unicast and broadcast packets.
+    </p>
+    <column name="MAC">
+      <p>
+       A MAC address that has been learned by the VTEP. 
+      </p>
+      <p>
+       The keyword <code>unknown-dst</code> is used as a special
+       ``Ethernet address'' that indicates the locations to which
+       packets in a logical switch whose destination addresses do not
+       otherwise appear in <ref table="Ucast_Macs_Local"/> (for
+       unicast addresses) or <ref table="Mcast_Macs_Local"/> (for
+       multicast addresses) should be sent.
+      </p>
+    </column>
+    <column name="logical_switch">
+      The Logical switch to which this mapping applies.
+    </column>
+    <column name="locator_set">
+      The physical locator set to be used to reach this MAC address. In
+      this table, the physical locator set will be contain one or more tunnel 
+      addresses of the appropriate VTEP(s).
+    </column>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Mcast_Macs_Remote" title="Multicast MACs (remote)">
+    <p>
+      Mapping of multicast MAC addresses to tunnels (physical
+      locators). This table is written by the NVC, so it contains the
+      MAC addresses that the NVC has learned. This
+      table also specifies how to handle unknown unicast and broadcast
+      packets.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Multicast packet replication may be handled by a service node,
+      in which case the physical locators will be IP addresses of
+      service nodes. If the VTEP supports replication onto multiple
+      tunnels, then this may be used to replicate directly onto
+      VTEP-hyperisor tunnels.
+    </p>
+    <column name="MAC">
+      <p>
+       A MAC address that has been learned by the NSC.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+       The keyword <code>unknown-dst</code> is used as a special
+       ``Ethernet address'' that indicates the locations to which
+       packets in a logical switch whose destination addresses do not
+       otherwise appear in <ref table="Ucast_Macs_Remote"/> (for
+       unicast addresses) or <ref table="Mcast_Macs_Remote"/> (for
+       multicast addresses) should be sent.
+      </p>
+    </column>
+    <column name="logical_switch">
+      The Logical switch to which this mapping applies.
+    </column>
+    <column name="locator_set">
+      The physical locator set to be used to reach this MAC address. In
+      this table, the physical locator set will be either a service node IP
+      address or a set of tunnel IP addresses of hypervisors (and
+      potentially other VTEPs).
+    </column>
+    <column name="ipaddr">
+      The IP address to which this MAC corresponds. Optional field for
+      the purpose of ARP supression.
+    </column>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Logical_Router" title="A logical L3 router.">
+    <p>
+      A logical router, or VRF. A logical router may be connected to one or 
+      logical switches. Subnet addresses and interface addresses may be 
configured on the 
+      interfaces.
+    </p>
+    <column name="switch_binding">
+      Maps from an IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix in CIDR notation to a
+      logical switch. Multiple prefixes may map to the same switch. By
+      writing a 32-bit (or 128-bit for v6) address with a /N prefix
+      length, both the router's interface address and the subnet
+      prefix can be configured. For example, creates a
+      /24 subnet for the logical switch attached to the interface and
+      assigns the address to the router interface.
+    </column>
+    <column name="static_routes">
+      One or more static routes, mapping IP prefixes to next hop IP addresses.
+    </column>
+    <group title="Identification">
+      <column name="name">
+       Symbolic name for the logical router.
+      </column>
+      <column name="description">
+       An extended description for the logical router.
+      </column>
+    </group>
+  </table>
+  <table name="Physical_Locator_Set">
+    <p>
+      A set of one or more <ref table="Physical_Locator"/>s.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      This table exists only because OVSDB does not have a way to
+      express the type ``map from string to one or more <ref
+      table="Physical_Locator"/> records.''
+    </p>
+    <column name="locators"/>    
+  </table>
+  <table name="Physical_Locator">
+    <p>
+      Identifies an endpoint to which logical switch traffic may be
+      encapsulated and forwarded.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      For the <code>vxlan_over_ipv4</code> encapsulation, the only
+      encapsulation defined so far, all endpoints associated with a given <ref
+      table="Logical_Switch"/> must use a common tunnel key, which is carried
+      in the <ref table="Logical_Switch" column="tunnel_key"/> column of <ref
+      table="Logical_Switch"/>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      For some encapsulations yet to be defined, we expect <ref
+      table="Physical_Locator"/> to identify both an endpoint and a tunnel key.
+      When the first such encapsulation is defined, we expect to add a
+      ``tunnel_key'' column to <ref table="Physical_Locator"/> to allow the
+      tunnel key to be defined.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      See the ``Per Logical-Switch Tunnel Key'' section in the <ref
+      table="Logical_Switch"/> table for further discussion of the model.
+    </p>
+    <column name="encapsulation_type">
+      The type of tunneling encapsulation.
+    </column>
+    <column name="dst_ip">
+      <p>
+        For <code>vxlan_over_ipv4</code> encapsulation, the IPv4 address of the
+        VXLAN tunnel endpoint.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        We expect that this column could be used for IPv4 or IPv6 addresses in
+        encapsulations to be introduced later.
+      </p>
+    </column>
+    <group title="Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)">
+      <p>
+       BFD, defined in RFC 5880, allows point to point detection of
+       connectivity failures by occasional transmission of BFD control
+       messages.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+       BFD operates by regularly transmitting BFD control messages at a
+       rate negotiated independently in each direction.  Each endpoint
+       specifies the rate at which it expects to receive control messages,
+       and the rate at which it's willing to transmit them.  An endpoint
+       which fails to receive BFD control messages for a period of three
+       times the expected reception rate, will signal a connectivity
+       fault.  In the case of a unidirectional connectivity issue, the
+       system not receiving BFD control messages will signal the problem
+       to its peer in the messages is transmists.
+      </p>
+      <column name="bfd" key="min_rx">
+       The minimum rate, in milliseconds, at which this BFD session is
+       willing to receive BFD control messages.  The actual rate may slower
+       if the remote endpoint isn't willing to transmit as quickly as
+       specified.  Defaults to <code>1000</code>.
+      </column>
+      <column name="bfd" key="min_tx">
+       The minimum rate, in milliseconds, at which this BFD session is
+       willing to transmit BFD control messages.  The actual rate may be
+       slower if the remote endpoint isn't willing to receive as quickly as
+       specified.  Defaults to <code>100</code>.
+      </column>
+      <column name="bfd" key="cpath_down">
+       Concatenated path down may be used when the local system should not
+       have traffic forwarded to it for some reason other than a connectivty
+       failure on the interface being monitored.  The local BFD session will
+       notify the remote session of the connectivity problem, at which time
+       the remote session may choose not to forward traffic.  Defaults to
+       <code>false</code>.
+      </column>
+      <column name="bfd_status" key="state">
+       State of the BFD session.  One of <code>ADMIN_DOWN</code>,
+       <code>DOWN</code>, <code>INIT</code>, or <code>UP</code>.
+      </column>
+      <column name="bfd_status" key="forwarding">
+       True if the BFD session believes this <ref table="Physical_Locator"/> 
may be
+       used to forward traffic.  Typically this means the local session is
+       up, and the remote system isn't signalling a problem such as
+       concatenated path down.
+      </column>
+      <column name="bfd_status" key="diagnostic">
+       A short message indicating what the BFD session thinks is wrong in
+       case of a problem.
+      </column>
+      <column name="bfd_status" key="remote state">
+       State of the remote endpoint's BFD session.
+      </column>
+      <column name="bfd_status" key="remote diagnostic">
+       A short message indicating what the remote endpoint's BFD session
+       thinks is wrong in case of a problem.
+      </column>
+    </group>
+  </table>

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