On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 04:16:04PM -0700, Jarno Rajahalme wrote:
> Make it clear that match fields are rejected when their prerequisities
> are not met, rather than just having their values ignored.

What do mean when you say they're rejected?  Certainly OVS will reject a
NXM or OXM that matches on, say, IP TTL, if the dl_type doesn't specify
IP, but ovs-ofctl will in fact just ignore it.  e.g.:

    blp@blp:~/nicira/ovs/_build(1)$ utilities/ovs-ofctl parse-flow 
    2013-10-17T17:08:26Z|00001|ofp_util|INFO|normalization changed ofp_match, 
    2013-10-17T17:08:26Z|00002|ofp_util|INFO| pre: nw_ttl=123
    usable protocols: NXM,OXM
    chosen protocol: NXM-table_id

(Whether that's a good design or not is another question--it's probably
a bad design, in fact--but it's historical behavior dating back to the
OpenFlow reference implementation and beyond, and so it's hard to

> Also state that if decrementing makes a TTL zero, the controller
> notification may be sent.

I agree with that.
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