Thanks for the review!

> +/* latch that controls the exit of monitor thread. */
>  > +static struct latch monitor_exit_latch;
> I'm not sure this comment is adding much that isn't clear from the
> variable's type and name.  But if you think it's necessary, perhaps it
> would be better as simply "Causes exit of the monitor thread."
> > +/* "struct seq" to wakeup the monitor thread. */
> > +static struct seq *monitor_seq;
> Similarly, if you think its necessary "Wakes up the monitor thread.",
> it's clear that it's a seq from the type.

Yeah, I'll remove those comments.

> Do we really need separate monitor_check_run(), monitor_start(), and
> monitor_terminate() functions?  I don't think splitting them out is
> making the code any clearer.  Why not just combine them into
> ofproto_dpif_monitor_port_update()?

I'll combine them up.

> I don't really like that we're heap allocating the tid just to keep
> track of whether or not the thread is running.  How about a 'running'
> bool?

I can use a global value.  but the tid is necessary in that we need to call
"join()" and wait for the termination of monitor thread.

> There's some comments "zalloc tid" "frees the tid" which aren't
> telling us anything that isn't obvious from the code.

I'll delete them.

> The bfd unit test changes should probably be in their own patch.

 I agree, it is pretty big change when I look at it now.  so, I'll resend
these patches, without following the current version number. (since now we
have one more patch)
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