From: Joe Stringer <>

OpenFlow 1.2 and 1.3 differ on their handling of MPLS actions in the
presence of VLAN tags. To allow correct behaviour to be committed in
each situation, this patch adds a second round of VLAN tag action
handling to commit_odp_actions(), which occurs after MPLS actions. This
is implemented with a new field in 'struct xlate_in' called 'vlan_tci'.

When an push_mpls action is composed, the flow's current VLAN state is
stored into xin->vlan_tci, and flow->vlan_tci is set to 0 (pop_vlan). If
a VLAN tag is present, it is stripped; if not, then there is no change.
Any later modifications to the VLAN state is written to xin->vlan_tci.
When committing the actions, flow->vlan_tci is used before MPLS actions,
and xin->vlan_tci is used afterwards. This retains the current datapath
behaviour, but allows VLAN actions to be applied in a more flexible

Signed-off-by: Joe Stringer <>
Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <>


* No change

* Rebase

* No change

* First post
 lib/odp-util.c               |   10 +-
 lib/odp-util.h               |    4 +-
 ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.c |   95 ++++++++++++++-----
 ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.h |    5 +
 tests/        |  209 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 297 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/odp-util.c b/lib/odp-util.c
index 37e978e..659416e 100644
--- a/lib/odp-util.c
+++ b/lib/odp-util.c
@@ -3555,10 +3555,15 @@ commit_set_pkt_mark_action(const struct flow *flow, 
struct flow *base,
  * key from 'base' into 'flow', and then changes 'base' the same way.  Does not
  * commit set_tunnel actions.  Users should call commit_odp_tunnel_action()
  * in addition to this function if needed.  Sets fields in 'wc' that are
- * used as part of the action. */
+ * used as part of the action.
+ *
+ * VLAN actions may be committed twice; If vlan_tci in 'flow' differs from the
+ * one in 'base', then it is committed before MPLS actions. If 'final_vlan_tci'
+ * differs from 'flow->vlan_tci', it is committed afterwards. */
 commit_odp_actions(const struct flow *flow, struct flow *base,
-                   struct ofpbuf *odp_actions, struct flow_wildcards *wc)
+                   struct ofpbuf *odp_actions, struct flow_wildcards *wc,
+                   ovs_be16 final_vlan_tci)
     commit_set_ether_addr_action(flow, base, odp_actions, wc);
     commit_vlan_action(flow->vlan_tci, base, odp_actions, wc);
@@ -3569,6 +3574,7 @@ commit_odp_actions(const struct flow *flow, struct flow 
      * that it is no longer IP and thus nw and port actions are no longer 
     commit_mpls_action(flow, base, odp_actions, wc);
+    commit_vlan_action(final_vlan_tci, base, odp_actions, wc);
     commit_set_priority_action(flow, base, odp_actions, wc);
     commit_set_pkt_mark_action(flow, base, odp_actions, wc);
diff --git a/lib/odp-util.h b/lib/odp-util.h
index 192cfa0..be68d4e 100644
--- a/lib/odp-util.h
+++ b/lib/odp-util.h
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ const char *odp_key_fitness_to_string(enum odp_key_fitness);
 void commit_odp_tunnel_action(const struct flow *, struct flow *base,
                               struct ofpbuf *odp_actions);
 void commit_odp_actions(const struct flow *, struct flow *base,
-                        struct ofpbuf *odp_actions,
-                        struct flow_wildcards *wc);
+                        struct ofpbuf *odp_actions, struct flow_wildcards *wc,
+                        ovs_be16 final_vlan_tci);
 /* ofproto-dpif interface.
diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.c b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.c
index 4578675..5b56758 100644
--- a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.c
+++ b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.c
@@ -974,10 +974,11 @@ static void
 output_normal(struct xlate_ctx *ctx, const struct xbundle *out_xbundle,
               uint16_t vlan)
-    ovs_be16 *flow_tci = &ctx->xin->flow.vlan_tci;
+    ovs_be16 *flow_tci = &ctx->xin->vlan_tci;
     uint16_t vid;
     ovs_be16 tci, old_tci;
     struct xport *xport;
+    bool flow_tci_equal_to_xin = (*flow_tci == ctx->xin->flow.vlan_tci);
     vid = output_vlan_to_vid(out_xbundle, vlan);
     if (list_is_empty(&out_xbundle->xports)) {
@@ -1008,9 +1009,15 @@ output_normal(struct xlate_ctx *ctx, const struct 
xbundle *out_xbundle,
     *flow_tci = tci;
+    if (flow_tci_equal_to_xin) {
+        ctx->xin->flow.vlan_tci = tci;
+    }
     compose_output_action(ctx, xport->ofp_port);
     *flow_tci = old_tci;
+    if (flow_tci_equal_to_xin) {
+        ctx->xin->flow.vlan_tci = old_tci;
+    }
 /* A VM broadcasts a gratuitous ARP to indicate that it has resumed after
@@ -1242,7 +1249,7 @@ xlate_normal(struct xlate_ctx *ctx)
     /* Drop malformed frames. */
     if (flow->dl_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_VLAN) &&
-        !(flow->vlan_tci & htons(VLAN_CFI))) {
+        !(ctx->xin->vlan_tci & htons(VLAN_CFI))) {
         if (ctx->xin->packet != NULL) {
             static struct vlog_rate_limit rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(1, 5);
             VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "bridge %s: dropping packet with partial "
@@ -1266,7 +1273,7 @@ xlate_normal(struct xlate_ctx *ctx)
     /* Check VLAN. */
-    vid = vlan_tci_to_vid(flow->vlan_tci);
+    vid = vlan_tci_to_vid(ctx->xin->vlan_tci);
     if (!input_vid_is_valid(vid, in_xbundle, ctx->xin->packet != NULL)) {
         xlate_report(ctx, "disallowed VLAN VID for this input port, dropping");
@@ -1522,7 +1529,7 @@ compose_output_action__(struct xlate_ctx *ctx, ofp_port_t 
     const struct xport *xport = get_ofp_port(ctx->xbridge, ofp_port);
     struct flow_wildcards *wc = &ctx->xout->wc;
     struct flow *flow = &ctx->xin->flow;
-    ovs_be16 flow_vlan_tci;
+    ovs_be16 flow_vlan_tci, xin_vlan_tci;
     uint32_t flow_pkt_mark;
     uint8_t flow_nw_tos;
     odp_port_t out_port, odp_port;
@@ -1591,6 +1598,7 @@ compose_output_action__(struct xlate_ctx *ctx, ofp_port_t 
     flow_vlan_tci = flow->vlan_tci;
+    xin_vlan_tci = ctx->xin->vlan_tci;
     flow_pkt_mark = flow->pkt_mark;
     flow_nw_tos = flow->nw_tos;
@@ -1630,18 +1638,19 @@ compose_output_action__(struct xlate_ctx *ctx, 
ofp_port_t ofp_port,
             wc->masks.vlan_tci |= htons(VLAN_VID_MASK | VLAN_CFI);
         vlandev_port = vsp_realdev_to_vlandev(ctx->xbridge->ofproto, ofp_port,
-                                              flow->vlan_tci);
+                                              ctx->xin->vlan_tci);
         if (vlandev_port == ofp_port) {
             out_port = odp_port;
         } else {
             out_port = ofp_port_to_odp_port(ctx->xbridge, vlandev_port);
             flow->vlan_tci = htons(0);
+            ctx->xin->vlan_tci = htons(0);
     if (out_port != ODPP_NONE) {
-        commit_odp_actions(flow, &ctx->base_flow,
-                           &ctx->xout->odp_actions, &ctx->xout->wc);
+        commit_odp_actions(flow, &ctx->base_flow, &ctx->xout->odp_actions,
+                           &ctx->xout->wc, ctx->xin->vlan_tci);
         nl_msg_put_odp_port(&ctx->xout->odp_actions, OVS_ACTION_ATTR_OUTPUT,
@@ -1653,6 +1662,7 @@ compose_output_action__(struct xlate_ctx *ctx, ofp_port_t 
     /* Restore flow */
     flow->vlan_tci = flow_vlan_tci;
+    ctx->xin->vlan_tci = xin_vlan_tci;
     flow->pkt_mark = flow_pkt_mark;
     flow->nw_tos = flow_nw_tos;
@@ -1792,7 +1802,8 @@ execute_controller_action(struct xlate_ctx *ctx, int len,
     memset(&key.tunnel, 0, sizeof key.tunnel);
     commit_odp_actions(&ctx->xin->flow, &ctx->base_flow,
-                       &ctx->xout->odp_actions, &ctx->xout->wc);
+                       &ctx->xout->odp_actions, &ctx->xout->wc,
+                       ctx->xin->vlan_tci);
     odp_execute_actions(NULL, packet, &key, ctx->xout->,
                         ctx->xout->odp_actions.size, NULL, NULL);
@@ -2145,8 +2156,8 @@ xlate_sample_action(struct xlate_ctx *ctx,
    * the same percentage. */
   uint32_t probability = (os->probability << 16) | os->probability;
-  commit_odp_actions(&ctx->xin->flow, &ctx->base_flow,
-                     &ctx->xout->odp_actions, &ctx->xout->wc);
+  commit_odp_actions(&ctx->xin->flow, &ctx->base_flow, &ctx->xout->odp_actions,
+                     &ctx->xout->wc, ctx->xin->vlan_tci);
   compose_flow_sample_cookie(os->probability, os->collector_set_id,
                              os->obs_domain_id, os->obs_point_id, &cookie);
@@ -2175,11 +2186,23 @@ may_receive(const struct xport *xport, struct xlate_ctx 
 static void
+vlan_tci_restore(struct xlate_in *xin, ovs_be16 *tci_ptr, ovs_be16 orig_tci)
+    /* If MPLS actions were executed after MPLS, copy the final vlan_tci out
+     * and restore the intermediate VLAN state. */
+    if (xin->flow.vlan_tci != orig_tci && tci_ptr == &xin->vlan_tci) {
+        xin->vlan_tci = xin->flow.vlan_tci;
+        xin->flow.vlan_tci = orig_tci;
+    }
+static void
 do_xlate_actions(const struct ofpact *ofpacts, size_t ofpacts_len,
                  struct xlate_ctx *ctx)
     struct flow_wildcards *wc = &ctx->xout->wc;
     struct flow *flow = &ctx->xin->flow;
+    ovs_be16 *vlan_tci = &ctx->xin->flow.vlan_tci;
     const struct ofpact *a;
     OFPACT_FOR_EACH (a, ofpacts, ofpacts_len) {
@@ -2190,6 +2213,15 @@ do_xlate_actions(const struct ofpact *ofpacts, size_t 
+        /* Update the final vlan state to be equal to the current state.
+         * - If 'vlan_tci' points to 'xin->flow->vlan_tci'. then additional
+         *   VLAN actions will be applied before MPLS actions. 'xin->vlan_tci'
+         *   is updated to reflect the final state of the flow.
+         * - If 'vlan_tci' already points to 'xin->vlan_tci', then additional
+         *   VLAN actions will be applied after MPLS actions. 'xin->vlan_tci'
+         *   is already equal to the current state. */
+        ctx->xin->vlan_tci = *vlan_tci;
         switch (a->type) {
         case OFPACT_OUTPUT:
             xlate_output_action(ctx, ofpact_get_OUTPUT(a)->port,
@@ -2209,28 +2241,28 @@ do_xlate_actions(const struct ofpact *ofpacts, size_t 
         case OFPACT_SET_VLAN_VID:
             wc->masks.vlan_tci |= htons(VLAN_VID_MASK | VLAN_CFI);
-            flow->vlan_tci &= ~htons(VLAN_VID_MASK);
-            flow->vlan_tci |= (htons(ofpact_get_SET_VLAN_VID(a)->vlan_vid)
-                               | htons(VLAN_CFI));
+            *vlan_tci &= ~htons(VLAN_VID_MASK);
+            *vlan_tci |= (htons(ofpact_get_SET_VLAN_VID(a)->vlan_vid)
+                          | htons(VLAN_CFI));
         case OFPACT_SET_VLAN_PCP:
-            wc->masks.vlan_tci |= htons(VLAN_PCP_MASK | VLAN_CFI);
-            flow->vlan_tci &= ~htons(VLAN_PCP_MASK);
-            flow->vlan_tci |=
+            wc->masks.vlan_tci |= htons(VLAN_VID_MASK | VLAN_CFI);
+            *vlan_tci &= ~htons(VLAN_PCP_MASK);
+            *vlan_tci |=
                 htons((ofpact_get_SET_VLAN_PCP(a)->vlan_pcp << VLAN_PCP_SHIFT)
                       | VLAN_CFI);
         case OFPACT_STRIP_VLAN:
             memset(&wc->masks.vlan_tci, 0xff, sizeof wc->masks.vlan_tci);
-            flow->vlan_tci = htons(0);
+            *vlan_tci = htons(0);
         case OFPACT_PUSH_VLAN:
             /* XXX 802.1AD(QinQ) */
             memset(&wc->masks.vlan_tci, 0xff, sizeof wc->masks.vlan_tci);
-            flow->vlan_tci = htons(VLAN_CFI);
+            *vlan_tci = htons(VLAN_CFI);
         case OFPACT_SET_ETH_SRC:
@@ -2298,26 +2330,44 @@ do_xlate_actions(const struct ofpact *ofpacts, size_t 
             flow->skb_priority = ctx->orig_skb_priority;
-        case OFPACT_REG_MOVE:
+        case OFPACT_REG_MOVE: {
+            ovs_be16 orig_tci = flow->vlan_tci;
             nxm_execute_reg_move(ofpact_get_REG_MOVE(a), flow, wc);
+            vlan_tci_restore(ctx->xin, vlan_tci, orig_tci);
+        }
-        case OFPACT_REG_LOAD:
+        case OFPACT_REG_LOAD: {
+            ovs_be16 orig_tci = flow->vlan_tci;
             nxm_execute_reg_load(ofpact_get_REG_LOAD(a), flow);
+            vlan_tci_restore(ctx->xin, vlan_tci, orig_tci);
+        }
-        case OFPACT_STACK_PUSH:
+        case OFPACT_STACK_PUSH: {
+            ovs_be16 orig_tci = flow->vlan_tci;
+            flow->vlan_tci = *vlan_tci;
             nxm_execute_stack_push(ofpact_get_STACK_PUSH(a), flow, wc,
+            flow->vlan_tci = orig_tci;
+        }
-        case OFPACT_STACK_POP:
+        case OFPACT_STACK_POP: {
+            ovs_be16 orig_tci = flow->vlan_tci;
             nxm_execute_stack_pop(ofpact_get_STACK_POP(a), flow, wc,
+            vlan_tci_restore(ctx->xin, vlan_tci, orig_tci);
+        }
         case OFPACT_PUSH_MPLS:
             compose_mpls_push_action(ctx, ofpact_get_PUSH_MPLS(a)->ethertype);
+            /* Save and pop any existing VLAN tags if running in OF1.2 mode. */
+            ctx->xin->vlan_tci = *vlan_tci;
+            flow->vlan_tci = htons(0);
+            vlan_tci = &ctx->xin->vlan_tci;
         case OFPACT_POP_MPLS:
@@ -2416,6 +2466,7 @@ xlate_in_init(struct xlate_in *xin, struct ofproto_dpif 
     xin->ofproto = ofproto;
     xin->flow = *flow;
+    xin->vlan_tci = flow->vlan_tci;
     xin->packet = packet;
     xin->may_learn = packet != NULL;
     xin->rule = rule;
diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.h b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.h
index ba24e92..8aceb9e 100644
--- a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.h
+++ b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.h
@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ struct xlate_in {
      * this flow when actions change header fields. */
     struct flow flow;
+    /* If MPLS and VLAN actions were both present in the translation, and VLAN
+     * actions should occur after the MPLS actions, then this field is used
+     * to store the final vlan_tci state. */
+    ovs_be16 vlan_tci;
     /* The packet corresponding to 'flow', or a null pointer if we are
      * revalidating without a packet to refer to. */
     const struct ofpbuf *packet;
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index af19672..deda1ca 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -846,6 +846,215 @@ done
+AT_SETUP([ofproto-dpif - OF1.2 VLAN+MPLS handling])
+   add-port br0 p1 -- set Interface p1 type=dummy
+ON_EXIT([kill `cat`])
+AT_DATA([flows.txt], [dnl
+cookie=0xa dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:50 
+cookie=0xa dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:51 
+cookie=0xa dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:52 
+cookie=0xa dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:53 
+cookie=0xa dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:54 
+cookie=0xa dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:55 
+cookie=0xa dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:56 
+cookie=0xa dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:57 
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl --protocols=OpenFlow12 add-flows br0 flows.txt])
+dnl Modified MPLS controller action.
+dnl In this test, we push the MPLS tag before pushing a VLAN tag, so we see
+dnl both of these in the final flow
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl monitor br0 65534 -P nxm --detach --pidfile 2> 
+for i in 1 2 3; do
+    ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit])
+AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+dnl Modified MPLS controller action.
+dnl In this test, the input packet in vlan-tagged, which should be stripped
+dnl before we push the MPLS and VLAN tags.
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl monitor br0 65534 -P nxm --detach --pidfile 2> 
+for i in 1 2 3; do
+    ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test `wc -l < ofctl_monitor.log` -ge 6])
+ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit
+AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+dnl Modified MPLS controller action.
+dnl In this test, we push the MPLS tag before pushing a VLAN tag, so we see
+dnl both of these in the final flow
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl monitor br0 65534 -P nxm --detach --pidfile 2> 
+for i in 1 2 3; do
+    ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit])
+AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+dnl Modified MPLS controller action.
+dnl In this test, the input packet in vlan-tagged, which should be stripped
+dnl before we push the MPLS and VLAN tags.
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl monitor br0 65534 -P nxm --detach --pidfile 2> 
+for i in 1 2 3; do
+    ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test `wc -l < ofctl_monitor.log` -ge 6])
+ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit
+AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+dnl Modified MPLS controller action.
+dnl In this test, we push the VLAN tag before pushing a MPLS tag, but these
+dnl actions are reordered, so we see both of these in the final flow.
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl monitor br0 65534 -P nxm --detach --pidfile 2> 
+for i in 1 2 3; do
+    ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test `wc -l < ofctl_monitor.log` -ge 6])
+ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit
+AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+dnl Modified MPLS controller action.
+dnl In this test, the input packet in vlan-tagged, which should be stripped
+dnl before we push the MPLS and VLAN tags.
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl monitor br0 65534 -P nxm --detach --pidfile 2> 
+for i in 1 2 3; do
+    ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test `wc -l < ofctl_monitor.log` -ge 6])
+ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit
+AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+dnl Modified MPLS controller action.
+dnl In this test, we push the VLAN tag before pushing a MPLS tag, but these
+dnl actions are reordered, so we see both of these in the final flow.
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl monitor br0 65534 -P nxm --detach --pidfile 2> 
+for i in 1 2 3; do
+    ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test `wc -l < ofctl_monitor.log` -ge 6])
+ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit
+AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=68 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=68 (unbuffered)
+dnl Modified MPLS controller action.
+dnl In this test, the input packet in vlan-tagged, which should be stripped
+dnl before we push the MPLS and VLAN tags.
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl monitor br0 65534 -P nxm --detach --pidfile 2> 
+for i in 1 2 3; do
+    ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p1 
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test `wc -l < ofctl_monitor.log` -ge 6])
+ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit
+AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0xa total_len=64 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl time/warp 5000], [0], [ignore])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 | ofctl_strip | sort], [0], [dnl
+ cookie=0xa, n_packets=3, n_bytes=180, dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:50 
+ cookie=0xa, n_packets=3, n_bytes=180, dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:51 
+ cookie=0xa, n_packets=3, n_bytes=180, dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:52 
+ cookie=0xa, n_packets=3, n_bytes=180, dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:53 
+ cookie=0xa, n_packets=3, n_bytes=180, dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:54 
+ cookie=0xa, n_packets=3, n_bytes=180, dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:55 
+ cookie=0xa, n_packets=3, n_bytes=180, dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:56 
+ cookie=0xa, n_packets=3, n_bytes=180, dl_src=40:44:44:44:54:57 
+NXST_FLOW reply:
 AT_SETUP([ofproto-dpif - fragment handling])
 ADD_OF_PORTS([br0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [90])

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