This code has been kindly contributed by Centec Networks.  I have
spent only a few minutes going over it, so it needs futher review,
but I thought I'd put it out to avoid possibly duplicating work
with others in the community (as happened with the "meters" code
a little while back).

Ben Pfaff (1):
  ofp-msgs: Consistently include "STATS" in the names of stats

Neil Zhu (1):
  Implement OpenFLow 1.1+ "groups" protocol.

 AUTHORS                      |    1 +
 lib/learning-switch.c        |   29 ++-
 lib/ofp-actions.c            |   43 ++++
 lib/ofp-actions.h            |    8 +
 lib/ofp-msgs.h               |   38 ++--
 lib/ofp-parse.c              |  210 ++++++++++++++++
 lib/ofp-parse.h              |    9 +-
 lib/ofp-print.c              |  244 +++++++++++++++++--
 lib/ofp-util.c               |  560 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 lib/ofp-util.def             |    1 +
 lib/ofp-util.h               |   99 ++++++++
 lib/rconn.c                  |   29 ++-
 ofproto/ofproto-dpif-xlate.c |    4 +
 ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c       |    7 +
 ofproto/ofproto-provider.h   |   35 +++
 ofproto/ofproto.c            |  475 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 utilities/ovs-ofctl.c        |  142 +++++++++++
 17 files changed, 1842 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)


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