Hi, Why do we need ptcp: and tcp:? ptcp: the bridge is listening, tcp: the bridge is trying to connect. why isn't one of them enough?
Thanks yong sheng gong set−controller bridge target... Sets the configured controller target or targets. Each target may use any of the following forms: ssl:ip[:port] The specified SSL port (default: 6633) on the host at the given ip, which must be expressed as an IP address (not a DNS name). The −−private−key, −−certificate, and −−ca−cert options are mandatory when this form is used. tcp:ip[:port] The specified TCP port (default: 6633) on the host at the given ip, which must be expressed as an IP address (not a DNS name). unix:file The Unix domain server socket named file. pssl:[port][:ip] Listens for OpenFlow SSL connections on port (default: 6633). The −−private−key, −−certificate, and −−ca−cert options are mandatory when this form is used. By default, connections are not bound to a particular local IP address, but ip may be specified to listen only for connections to the given ip. ptcp:[port][:ip] Listens for OpenFlow TCP connections on port (default: 6633). By default, connections are not bound to a particular local IP address, but ip may be specified to listen only for connections to the given ip. punix:file Listens for OpenFlow connections on the Unix domain server socket named file
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