On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 12:04:40PM -0700, Neil Mckee wrote:
> git seemed to want to make this a series of 2 patches, and I don't
> know how to argue with git.  Hope that's OK.

This patch changes dpif_sflow_add_port() in kind of an awkward way
relative to the 'ifindex' variable.  This variable's value comes from
netdev_get_ifindex(), which returns an int.  The type I'd expect
'ifindex' to have, then, is also "int".  I think that would fit in
practice better than using uint32_t and then casting to int32_t to check
whether netdev_get_ifindex() returned a negative value.

dpif_sflow_received() has a couple of minor violations of common OVS
coding style:

+    if(!sampler) {
should be
+    if (!sampler) {
and similarly late on.


+    /* look up the input ifIndex if this port has one. Otherwise just
+       leave it as 0 (meaning 'unknown') and continue */
should be
+    /* Look up the input ifIndex if this port has one. Otherwise just
+       leave it as 0 (meaning 'unknown') and continue. */
that is, use an initial capital and end with a period.


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