On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:08:32PM +0800, Yeming Zhao wrote:
> I spent last couple days writing a tool interacting with OVSDB, using the
> ovs python package in OVS distribution. It generally works.

The Python bindings are generally not as mature as the C bindings.
They have some rough edges.

> But the Row.delete() doesn't work as expected. After looking at how
> Transaction.commit() works, I think Row.delete() should add the following
> line to the end:
>         self._idl.txn._txn_rows[self.uuid] = self

I see what you mean.

I think that this is the correct fix, but I have not tested it.  Do
you want to try it?

@@ -610,6 +610,8 @@ class Row(object):
         assert self._changes is not None
         if self._data is None:
             del self._idl.txn._txn_rows[self.uuid]
+        else:
+            self._idl.txn._txn_rows[self.uuid] = self
         self.__dict__["_changes"] = None
         del self._table.rows[self.uuid]
> It appears the change works, but I'm not sure if it has unexpected effects.
> I'm using 1.9 branch, but I looked around and found the code is the same
> since 1.3.

I think that your fix, of just adding that line at the end, will not
do the right thing for deleting a row that was newly added within the
current transaction (hence the "if self._data is None" case).

> And a general question, is the ovs python package meant to be used by an
> app developer or more a development/test tool?

It's meant to be general purpose.  We use it in various small
applications (some are included with OVS), but if it has bugs like
this then it's pretty obvious that it's not being extensively used.
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