Suggested-by: Ben Pfaff <>
Signed-off-by: Justin Pettit <>
 NEWS |   35 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 3a4030f..e1fbd13 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ v1.10.0 - xx xxx xxxx
       or adapt to native Open vSwitch support (e.g. use ovs-vsctl instead
       of brctl).
     - The maximum size of the MAC learning table is now configurable.
-    - New support for the VXLAN tunnel protocol (see the IETF draft here:
     - With the Linux datapath, packets for new flows are now queued
       separately on a per-port basis, so it should no longer be
       possible for a large number of new flows arriving on one port to
@@ -20,7 +18,15 @@ v1.10.0 - xx xxx xxxx
       - The OpenFlow "dp_desc" may now be configured by setting the
         value of other-config:dp-desc in the Bridge table.
       - It is possible to request the OpenFlow port number with the
-        "ofport_request" column in the Interface table.
+    - Tunneling:
+      - New support for the VXLAN tunnel protocol (see the IETF draft here:
+      - Tunneling requires the version of the kernel module paired with
+        Open vSwitch 1.9.0 or later.
+      - Inheritance of the Don't Fragment bit in IP tunnels (df_inherit)
+        is no longer supported.
+      - Path MTU discovery is no longer supported.
+       "ofport_request" column in the Interface table.
     - ovs-dpctl:
       - The "dump-flows" and "del-flows" no longer require an argument
         if only one datapath exists.
@@ -29,7 +35,6 @@ v1.10.0 - xx xxx xxxx
         commands available allow control over logging rate limits.
       - New "dpif/dump-dps", "dpif/show", and "dpif/dump-flows" command
         that mimic the equivalent ovs-dpctl commands.
-    - Path MTU discovery is no longer supported.
     - The ofproto library is now responsible for assigning OpenFlow port
       numbers.  An ofproto implementation should assign them when
       port_construct() is called.
@@ -43,18 +48,12 @@ v1.10.0 - xx xxx xxxx
         syntax.  OpenFlow 1.1 adds a port named ANY, which introduces a
         conflict.  ANY was rarely used in flow syntax, so we chose to
         retire that meaning of ANY in favor of the OpenFlow 1.1 meaning.
-    - Inheritance of the Don't Fragment bit in IP tunnels (df_inherit) is
-      no longer supported.
-    - Patch ports are implemented in userspace.
-    - Tunneling requires the version of the kernel module paired with Open
-      vSwitch 1.9.0 or later.
+    - Patch ports no longer require kernel support, so they now work
+      with FreeBSD and the kernel module built into Linux 3.3 and later.
 v1.9.0 - xx xxx xxxx
-    - The tunneling code no longer assumes input and output keys are symmetric.
-      If they are not, PMTUD needs to be disabled for tunneling to work. Note
-      this only applies to flow-based keys.
     - Datapath:
       - Support for ipv6 set action.
       - SKB mark matching and setting.
@@ -69,6 +68,14 @@ v1.9.0 - xx xxx xxxx
       - Allow bitwise masking for SHA and THA fields in ARP, SLL and TLL
         fields in IPv6 neighbor discovery messages, and IPv6 flow label.
       - Adds support for writing to the metadata field for a flow.
+    - Tunneling:
+      - The tunneling code no longer assumes input and output keys are
+        symmetric.  If they are not, PMTUD needs to be disabled for
+        tunneling to work. Note this only applies to flow-based keys.
+      - New support for a nonstandard form of GRE that supports a 64-bit key.
+      - Tunnel Path MTU Discovery default value was set to 'disabled'.
+        This feature is deprecated and will be removed soon.
+      - Tunnel header caching removed.
     - ovs-ofctl:
       - Commands and actions that accept port numbers now also accept keywords
         that represent those ports (such as LOCAL, NONE, and ALL).  This is
@@ -84,11 +91,8 @@ v1.9.0 - xx xxx xxxx
       are true, but because we do not know of any users for this
       feature it seems better on balance to remove it.  (The ovs-pki-cgi
       program was not included in distribution packaging.)
-    - Tunnel Path MTU Discovery default value was set to 'disabled'.  This
-      feature is deprecated and will be removed soon.
     - ovsdb-server now enforces the immutability of immutable columns.  This
       was not enforced in earlier versions due to an oversight.
-    - New support for a nonstandard form of GRE that supports a 64-bit key.
     - The following features are now deprecated.  They will be removed no
       earlier than February 2013.  Please email with
@@ -101,7 +105,6 @@ v1.9.0 - xx xxx xxxx
         - CAPWAP tunnel support.
     - The data in the RARP packets can now be matched in the same way as the
       data in ARP packets.
-    - Tunnel header caching removed.
 v1.8.0 - xx xxx xxxx

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