On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 06:18:52PM +0100, Markus Schuster wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 January 2013 17:49:09 Ben Pfaff wrote:
> > It looks like you have each interface on an SLB bond connected to two
> > different switches.  
> Correct. 
> > That's not a supported configuration and won't work reliably.
> OK, any explanation why? Or to say it the other way: I can't see any  
> technical reason why it should work on the same switch but not on two 
> different? The MAC will jump between the ports the very same way and the VM 
> will suffer from the same connectivity issues, no matter what. 

Jesse, can you remind me why?  I can never remember.  This time, I'll
add it to the FAQ.
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