I've decided to fold the following incremental in:

diff --git a/utilities/ovs-ofctl.8.in b/utilities/ovs-ofctl.8.in
index 386f7c8..aad9325 100644
--- a/utilities/ovs-ofctl.8.in
+++ b/utilities/ovs-ofctl.8.in
@@ -1006,20 +1006,22 @@ numbered 0 through \fIn_links\fR minus 1, and
stores the link into
 described above.
 Currently, \fIfields\fR must be either \fBeth_src\fR or
 \fBsymmetric_l4\fR and \fIalgorithm\fR must be one of \fBmodulo_n\fR,
 \fBhash_threshold\fR, \fBhrw\fR, and \fBiter_hash\fR.  Only
 the \fBiter_hash\fR algorithm uses \fIarg\fR.
 Refer to \fBnicira\-ext.h\fR for more details.
 .IP "\fBautopath(\fIid\fB, \fIdst\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB])\fR"
+Deprecated and slated for removal in Feburary 2013.
 Given \fIid\fR, chooses an OpenFlow port and populates it in
 \fIdst\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR, which must be an NXM field as
 described above.
 Currently, \fIid\fR should be the OpenFlow port number of an interface on the
 bridge.  If it isn't then \fIdst\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR will be
 populated with the OpenFlow port "none".  If \fIid\fR is a member of a bond,
 the normal bond selection logic will be used to choose the destination port.
 Otherwise, the register will be populated with \fIid\fR itself.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Ethan Jackson <et...@nicira.com> wrote:
>> s/2012/2013/ in the log message.  Otherwise this looks good, thank
>> you.
> Thanks folded that in.  I'm going to hold of merging this until friday.
> Ethan
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