Hi. Right now OVS tells a controller that 256 tables available
as SWITCH_FEATURES response.
(i.e. ofp_switch_features->n_tables = 256 = N_TABLES)
But the table whose id is TBL_INTERNAL = N_TABLES - 1 is used for ovs
internal use so can't be available to a controller.

Addition to the above, the document, DESIGN, says that
> Tables 128 and above are reserved for use by the switch itself.
> Controllers should use only tables 0 through 127.

So what should be returned as n_tables?
- 256 (current value)
  With OF1.0, there is no way to know that table id 255 is unusable.
  With OF1.1+, allowed operations can be described. So a controller can know
  that which tables are actually usable.
- 255
  This reflects the reality, but contradicts to the document, DESIGN.
- 128
  Actually 255 tables are usable.

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