NXM and OpenFlow 1.2+ allow including the values of arbitrary flow metadata
in "packet-in" messages.  Open vSwitch has until now always included all
the values of the metadata fields that it implements in NXT_PACKET_IN

However, this has at least two disadvantages:

    - Most of the metadata fields tend to be zero most of the time, which
      wastes space in the message.

    - It means that controllers must be very liberal about accepting
      fields that they know nothing about in packet-in messages, since any
      switch upgrade could cause new fields to appear even if the
      controller does nothing to give them nonzero values.  (Controllers
      have to be prepared to tolerate unknown fields in any case, but this
      property makes unknown fields more likely to appear than otherwise.)

This commit changes Open vSwitch so that metadata fields whose values are
zero are not reported in packet-ins, fixing both problems.  (This is
explicitly allowed by OpenFlow 1.2+.)

This commit mainly fixes a sort of internal conceptual dissonance centering
around struct flow_metadata.  This structure is supposed to report the
metadata for a given flow.  If you look at a flow, it has particular
metadata values; it doesn't have masks, and the idea of a mask for a
particular flow doesn't really make sense.  However, struct flow_metadata
did have masks.  This led to internal confusion; one can see this in, for
example, the following code removed by this commit in ofproto-dpif.c to
handle misses in the OpenFlow flow table:

    /* Registers aren't meaningful on a miss. */
    memset(pin.fmd.reg_masks, 0, sizeof pin.fmd.reg_masks);

What this code was really trying to say is that on a flow miss, the
registers are zero, so they shouldn't be included in the packet-in message.
It did manage to omit the registers, by marking them as "wild", but it is
conceptually more correct to simply omit them because they are zero (and
that's one effect of this commit).

Bug #12968.
Reported-by: Igor Ganichev <iganic...@nicira.com>
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com>
 include/openflow/nicira-ext.h |   37 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 lib/flow.c                    |    6 ------
 lib/flow.h                    |   12 ++----------
 lib/ofp-print.c               |   15 +++------------
 lib/ofp-util.c                |   21 +++++++++------------
 ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c        |    3 ---
 tests/ofp-print.at            |    4 ++--
 tests/ofproto-dpif.at         |   38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 tests/ofproto.at              |    2 +-
 9 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h b/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h
index 4fc2049..f40a82a 100644
--- a/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h
+++ b/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h
@@ -170,25 +170,34 @@ OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct nx_set_packet_in_format) == 4);
 /* NXT_PACKET_IN (analogous to OFPT_PACKET_IN).
- * The NXT_PACKET_IN format is intended to model the OpenFlow-1.2 PACKET_IN
- * with some minor tweaks.  Most notably NXT_PACKET_IN includes the cookie of
- * the rule which triggered the NXT_PACKET_IN message, and the match fields are
- * in NXM format.
- *
- * The match fields in the NXT_PACKET_IN are intended to contain flow
- * processing metadata collected at the time the NXT_PACKET_IN message was
- * triggered.  It is minimally required to contain the NXM_OF_IN_PORT of the
- * packet, but may include other NXM headers such as flow registers.  The match
- * fields are allowed to contain non-metadata (e.g. NXM_OF_ETH_SRC etc).
- * However, this information can typically be found in the packet directly, so
- * it may be redundant.
+ * NXT_PACKET_IN is similar to the OpenFlow 1.2 OFPT_PACKET_IN.  The
+ * differences are:
+ *
+ *     - NXT_PACKET_IN includes the cookie of the rule that triggered the
+ *       message.  (OpenFlow 1.3 OFPT_PACKET_IN also includes the cookie.)
+ *
+ *     - The metadata fields use NXM (instead of OXM) field numbers.
+ *
+ * Open vSwitch 1.9.0 and later omits metadata fields that are zero (as allowed
+ * by OpenFlow 1.2).  Earlier versions included all implemented metadata
+ * fields.
+ *
+ * Open vSwitch does not include non-metadata in the nx_match, because by
+ * definition that information can be found in the packet itself.  The format
+ * and the standards allow this, however, so controllers should be prepared to
+ * tolerate future changes.
+ *
+ * The NXM format is convenient for reporting metadata values, but it is
+ * important not to interpret the format as matching against a flow, because it
+ * does not.  Nothing is being matched; arbitrary metadata masks would not be
+ * meaningful.
  * Whereas in most cases a controller can expect to only get back NXM fields
  * that it set up itself (e.g. flow dumps will ordinarily report only NXM
  * fields from flows that the controller added), NXT_PACKET_IN messages might
  * contain fields that the controller does not understand, because the switch
  * might support fields (new registers, new protocols, etc.) that the
- * controller does not.  The controller must prepared to tolerate these.
+ * controller does not.  The controller must prepared to tolerate these.
  * The 'cookie' and 'table_id' fields have no meaning when 'reason' is
  * OFPR_NO_MATCH.  In this case they should be set to 0. */
@@ -210,7 +219,7 @@ struct nx_packet_in {
      * The padding bytes preceding the Ethernet frame ensure that the IP
      * header (if any) following the Ethernet header is 32-bit aligned. */
-    /* uint8_t nxm_fields[...]; */ /* Match. */
+    /* uint8_t nxm_fields[...]; */ /* NXM headers. */
     /* uint8_t pad[2]; */          /* Align to 64 bit + 16 bit. */
     /* uint8_t data[0]; */         /* Ethernet frame. */
diff --git a/lib/flow.c b/lib/flow.c
index 5d2f33c..f4446c9 100644
--- a/lib/flow.c
+++ b/lib/flow.c
@@ -497,14 +497,8 @@ flow_get_metadata(const struct flow *flow, struct 
flow_metadata *fmd)
     fmd->tun_id = flow->tun_id;
-    fmd->tun_id_mask = htonll(UINT64_MAX);
     fmd->metadata = flow->metadata;
-    fmd->metadata_mask = htonll(UINT64_MAX);
     memcpy(fmd->regs, flow->regs, sizeof fmd->regs);
-    memset(fmd->reg_masks, 0xff, sizeof fmd->reg_masks);
     fmd->in_port = flow->in_port;
diff --git a/lib/flow.h b/lib/flow.h
index 5e78f79..568e291 100644
--- a/lib/flow.h
+++ b/lib/flow.h
@@ -78,19 +78,11 @@ struct flow {
     uint8_t reserved[2];        /* Reserved for 64-bit packing. */
-/* Represents the metadata fields of struct flow.  The masks are used to
- * indicate which metadata fields are relevant in a given context.  Typically
- * they will be all 1 or all 0. */
+/* Represents the metadata fields of struct flow. */
 struct flow_metadata {
     ovs_be64 tun_id;                 /* Encapsulating tunnel ID. */
-    ovs_be64 tun_id_mask;            /* 1-bit in each significant tun_id bit.*/
-    ovs_be64 metadata;
-    ovs_be64 metadata_mask;
+    ovs_be64 metadata;               /* OpenFlow 1.1+ metadata field. */
     uint32_t regs[FLOW_N_REGS];      /* Registers. */
-    uint32_t reg_masks[FLOW_N_REGS]; /* 1-bit in each significant regs bit. */
     uint16_t in_port;                /* OpenFlow port or zero. */
diff --git a/lib/ofp-print.c b/lib/ofp-print.c
index 013561f..3f5b6be 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-print.c
+++ b/lib/ofp-print.c
@@ -108,26 +108,17 @@ ofp_print_packet_in(struct ds *string, const struct 
ofp_header *oh,
     ds_put_format(string, " total_len=%"PRIu16" in_port=", pin.total_len);
     ofputil_format_port(pin.fmd.in_port, string);
-    if (pin.fmd.tun_id_mask) {
+    if (pin.fmd.tun_id != htonll(0)) {
         ds_put_format(string, " tun_id=0x%"PRIx64, ntohll(pin.fmd.tun_id));
-        if (pin.fmd.tun_id_mask != htonll(UINT64_MAX)) {
-            ds_put_format(string, "/0x%"PRIx64, ntohll(pin.fmd.tun_id_mask));
-        }
-    if (pin.fmd.metadata_mask) {
+    if (pin.fmd.metadata != htonll(0)) {
         ds_put_format(string, " metadata=0x%"PRIx64, ntohll(pin.fmd.metadata));
-        if (pin.fmd.metadata_mask != htonll(UINT64_MAX)) {
-            ds_put_format(string, "/0x%"PRIx64, ntohll(pin.fmd.metadata_mask));
-        }
     for (i = 0; i < FLOW_N_REGS; i++) {
-        if (pin.fmd.reg_masks[i]) {
+        if (pin.fmd.regs[i]) {
             ds_put_format(string, " reg%d=0x%"PRIx32, i, pin.fmd.regs[i]);
-            if (pin.fmd.reg_masks[i] != UINT32_MAX) {
-                ds_put_format(string, "/0x%"PRIx32, pin.fmd.reg_masks[i]);
-            }
diff --git a/lib/ofp-util.c b/lib/ofp-util.c
index ad29174..492a2b2 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-util.c
+++ b/lib/ofp-util.c
@@ -2041,15 +2041,9 @@ ofputil_decode_packet_in_finish(struct ofputil_packet_in 
     pin->packet_len = b->size;
     pin->fmd.in_port = rule->flow.in_port;
     pin->fmd.tun_id = rule->flow.tun_id;
-    pin->fmd.tun_id_mask = rule->wc.tun_id_mask;
     pin->fmd.metadata = rule->flow.metadata;
-    pin->fmd.metadata_mask = rule->wc.metadata_mask;
     memcpy(pin->fmd.regs, rule->flow.regs, sizeof pin->fmd.regs);
-    memcpy(pin->fmd.reg_masks, rule->wc.reg_masks, sizeof pin->fmd.reg_masks);
 enum ofperr
@@ -2135,14 +2129,17 @@ ofputil_packet_in_to_rule(const struct 
ofputil_packet_in *pin,
     int i;
     cls_rule_init_catchall(rule, 0);
-    cls_rule_set_tun_id_masked(rule, pin->fmd.tun_id,
-                               pin->fmd.tun_id_mask);
-    cls_rule_set_metadata_masked(rule, pin->fmd.metadata,
-                                 pin->fmd.metadata_mask);
+    if (pin->fmd.tun_id != htonll(0)) {
+        cls_rule_set_tun_id(rule, pin->fmd.tun_id);
+    }
+    if (pin->fmd.metadata != htonll(0)) {
+        cls_rule_set_metadata(rule, pin->fmd.metadata);
+    }
     for (i = 0; i < FLOW_N_REGS; i++) {
-        cls_rule_set_reg_masked(rule, i, pin->fmd.regs[i],
-                                pin->fmd.reg_masks[i]);
+        if (pin->fmd.regs[i]) {
+            cls_rule_set_reg(rule, i, pin->fmd.regs[i]);
+        }
     cls_rule_set_in_port(rule, pin->fmd.in_port);
diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
index cf34e92..2e88053 100644
--- a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
+++ b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
@@ -2733,9 +2733,6 @@ send_packet_in_miss(struct ofproto_dpif *ofproto, const 
struct ofpbuf *packet,
     flow_get_metadata(flow, &pin.fmd);
-    /* Registers aren't meaningful on a miss. */
-    memset(pin.fmd.reg_masks, 0, sizeof pin.fmd.reg_masks);
     connmgr_send_packet_in(ofproto->up.connmgr, &pin);
diff --git a/tests/ofp-print.at b/tests/ofp-print.at
index 2344980..376f5b8 100644
--- a/tests/ofp-print.at
+++ b/tests/ofp-print.at
@@ -1006,13 +1006,13 @@ ff ff ff ff 00 40 01 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 \
 00 01 00 01 02 04 00 00 00 02 00 01 04 04 00 00 \
 00 03 00 01 06 04 00 00 00 04 00 01 08 04 00 00 \
 00 05 80 00 05 10 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a ff ff \
-00 00 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 82 82 82 82 82 \
+ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 82 82 82 82 82 82 \
 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 00 00 50 08 00 45 00 00 28 \
 00 00 00 00 00 06 32 05 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 \
 00 55 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 \
 31 6d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \
 "], [0], [dnl
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x5a5a00005a5a0000/0xffff0000ffff0000 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 
reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 
reg4=0x5 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(85->86) tcp_csum:316d
diff --git a/tests/ofproto-dpif.at b/tests/ofproto-dpif.at
index 8818316..52ed458 100644
--- a/tests/ofproto-dpif.at
+++ b/tests/ofproto-dpif.at
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl monitor br0 65534 invalid_ttl --detach 
--pidfile 2> ofctl_mo
 AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 
 -generate], [0], [stdout])
 OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit])
 AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=1 total_len=42 in_port=1 tun_id=0x0 
metadata=0x0 reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 
reg7=0x0 (via invalid_ttl) data_len=42 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=1 total_len=42 in_port=1 (via invalid_ttl) 
data_len=42 (unbuffered)
mac(50:54:00:00:00:05->50:54:00:00:00:07) type:0800 proto:1 tos:0 ttl:1 
@@ -319,31 +319,31 @@ done
 OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit])
 AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0x1 total_len=60 in_port=1 tun_id=0x0 
metadata=0x0 reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 
reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=60 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0x1 total_len=60 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=60 (unbuffered)
mac(20:22:22:22:22:22->50:54:00:00:00:07) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) tcp_csum:0
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=1 cookie=0x3 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x0 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=1 cookie=0x3 total_len=64 in_port=1 reg0=0x1 
(via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(20:22:22:22:22:22->50:54:00:00:00:07) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) tcp_csum:0
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=2 cookie=0x4 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x0 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=2 cookie=0x4 total_len=64 in_port=1 reg0=0x1 
reg1=0x2 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->50:54:00:00:00:07) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) tcp_csum:0
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=3 cookie=0x5 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x0 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=3 cookie=0x5 total_len=64 in_port=1 reg0=0x1 
reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) tcp_csum:0
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=4 cookie=0x6 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x0 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=4 cookie=0x6 total_len=64 in_port=1 reg0=0x1 
reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) tcp_csum:1a03
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=5 cookie=0x7 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=5 cookie=0x7 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) tcp_csum:3205
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=6 cookie=0x8 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=6 cookie=0x8 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(85->11) tcp_csum:31b8
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(85->86) tcp_csum:316d
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:6 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(85->86) tcp_csum:316d
@@ -356,31 +356,31 @@ done
 OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit])
 AT_CHECK([cat ofctl_monitor.log], [0], [dnl
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0x1 total_len=60 in_port=1 tun_id=0x0 
metadata=0x0 reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 
reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=60 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): cookie=0x1 total_len=60 in_port=1 (via action) 
data_len=60 (unbuffered)
mac(20:22:22:22:22:22->50:54:00:00:00:07) type:0800 proto:17 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) udp_csum:1234
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=1 cookie=0x3 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x0 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=1 cookie=0x3 total_len=64 in_port=1 reg0=0x1 
(via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(20:22:22:22:22:22->50:54:00:00:00:07) type:0800 proto:17 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) udp_csum:1234
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=2 cookie=0x4 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x0 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=2 cookie=0x4 total_len=64 in_port=1 reg0=0x1 
reg1=0x2 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->50:54:00:00:00:07) type:0800 proto:17 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) udp_csum:1234
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=3 cookie=0x5 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x0 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=3 cookie=0x5 total_len=64 in_port=1 reg0=0x1 
reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:17 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) udp_csum:1234
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=4 cookie=0x6 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x0 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x0 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=4 cookie=0x6 total_len=64 in_port=1 reg0=0x1 
reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:17 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) udp_csum:2c37
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=5 cookie=0x7 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=5 cookie=0x7 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:17 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(8->11) udp_csum:4439
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=6 cookie=0x8 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=6 cookie=0x8 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:17 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(85->11) udp_csum:43ec
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:17 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(85->86) udp_csum:43a1
-NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 metadata=0x0 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 reg5=0x0 
reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=64 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=7 cookie=0x9 total_len=64 in_port=1 
tun_id=0x6 reg0=0x1 reg1=0x2 reg2=0x3 reg3=0x4 reg4=0x5 (via action) 
data_len=64 (unbuffered)
mac(80:81:81:81:81:81->82:82:82:82:82:82) type:0800 proto:17 tos:0 ttl:0 
ip(> port(85->86) udp_csum:43a1
diff --git a/tests/ofproto.at b/tests/ofproto.at
index 46675bc..e3239f9 100644
--- a/tests/ofproto.at
+++ b/tests/ofproto.at
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl ofctl/barrier
 ovs-appctl -t ovs-ofctl exit
 AT_CHECK([sed 's/ (xid=0x[[0-9a-fA-F]]*)//' monitor.log], [0], [dnl
-NXT_PACKET_IN: total_len=14 in_port=NONE tun_id=0x0 
metadata=0xfafafafa5a5a5a5a reg0=0x0 reg1=0x0 reg2=0x0 reg3=0x0 reg4=0x0 
reg5=0x0 reg6=0x0 reg7=0x0 (via action) data_len=14 (unbuffered)
+NXT_PACKET_IN: total_len=14 in_port=NONE metadata=0xfafafafa5a5a5a5a (via 
action) data_len=14 (unbuffered)
mac(00:10:20:30:40:50->00:01:02:03:04:05) type:1234 proto:0 tos:0 ttl:0 

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