On Mon, Jul 09, 2012 at 11:45:24PM -0700, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Last week, Simon Horman posted a patch series to implement the
> OXM VLAN VID and PCP matches, but I'm a little nervous about the
> possible effects it could have on the OF1.0 match support.  At
> least, we need to know exactly what effects it has.  This series,
> therefore, adds some more extensive unit tests for ofp10_match
> to allow us to find out.
> Simon's series starts here:
> http://openvswitch.org/pipermail/dev/2012-July/018673.html
> Ben Pfaff (2):
>   ofp-util: Wildcard VLAN PCP in OF1.0 matches when 802.1Q not present.
>   tests: Add detailed test for OF1.0 match decoding and encoding.

It seems that the "tests: .." patch doesn't take into account the
"ofp-util: .." patch.

That is, the tests seem to pass only if the "ofp-util: " patch isn't
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