On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 10:27:53AM -0400, Ed Maste wrote:
> > In FreeBSD, do you intend to add the equivalent filter rules
> > automatically somewhere?  Or to document that it is necessary and that
> > the administrator should do so by hand?  If the former, then let's
> > figure out a good mechanism to hook in.  Perhaps we should add a pair
> > of "netdev" functions for disabling and re-enabling default network
> > stack behavior, that dpif-netdev could call on adding and removing
> > port and could be implemented appropriately for Linux and for FreeBSD.
> >
> > What do you think?
> Our eventual goal is to use the netmap[1] framework on FreeBSD.  It
> has a library largely compatible with libpcap (so uses the same
> netdev-bsd.c), but netmap never passes packets up the stack unless the
> application explicitly does so.  So we'll need a firewall rule if
> using base BPF, but don't need one with netmap.


> It seems to me that the primary use of the Linux userspace mode is for
> testing or prototyping and isn't intended to be a production
> interface; if that's the case then I'd say just documenting the
> behaviour and suggesting the admin install the firewall rule is
> reasonable.

Yes, that's the case.  Thanks, I'll plan to add some wording to

Please pass along the new version of your patch when it is ready.
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