On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 12:43:24PM -0700, Mehak Mahajan wrote:
> For the service controllers to receive any asynchronous messages, the
> miss_send_len must be set to a non-zero value (refer to DESIGN).  On
> receiving the NXT_SET_ASYNC_CONFIG message, the miss_send_len is set
> to the default value unless it is set to a non-zero value earlier by
> the OFPT_SET_CONFIG message.
> Signed-off-by: Mehak Mahajan <mmaha...@nicira.com>

Let's word the DESIGN paragraph even more explicitly, maybe like this:

First, a service controller never receives any asynchronous messages
unless it changes its miss_send_len from the service controller
default of zero in one of the two following ways:

        - Sending an OFPT_SET_CONFIG message with nonzero miss_send_len.

        - Sending any NXT_SET_ASYNC_CONFIG message: as a side effect, this
          message changes a miss_send_len of zero to
          OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN (128) for service controllers.

It'd be good to mention this side effect in the documentation for
NXT_SET_ASYNC_CONFIG in nicira-ext.h also.

I think it'd also be good to only apply this side effect to service
controllers, not to primary controllers.


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