This is great, Ben!  Thank you for doing it!

> +   and as soon as I ran the "add-port" command I lost all connectivity
> +   through eth0.  Help!

I like the sense of urgency you've added.  Maybe you missed your calling in 
fiction.  "Fifty Shades of Overlay"?  Networking fabric explores new territory 
at the command of its new edge master. 

> +   This isn't specific to Open vSwitch, it's enforced by the access
> +   point, so the same problems will show up with the Linux bridge or
> +   any other way to do bridging.
> +
> +   (Based on a response by Jesse Gross:
> +

I don't think that post contains any additional information, so I'm not sure 
it's worth providing a pointer.

> +       - Use "VLAN splinters", a feature in Open vSwitch 1.4 and later
> +         that works around bugs in kernel drivers.  To enable VLAN
> +         splinters on interface eth0, use the command:
> +
> +             ovs-vsctl set int eth0 other-config:enable-vlan-splinters=true

You probably abbreviated this to fit on one line, but I think "int" might be 
confusing to new users.

> +         For VLAN splinters to be effective, Open vSwitch must know
> +         which VLANs that are in use.  See the "VLAN splinters"

I think you can drop the "that".

> +Q: Can I configure an IP address on a VLAN?
> +
> +A: Yes.  Use an "internal port" configured as an access port.  For
> +   example, the following configures IP address on VLAN 9.
> +   That is, OVS will forward packets from eth0 to only if
> +   they have an 802.1Q header with VLAN 9.  Conversely, traffic
> +   forwarded from to eth0 will be tagged with an 802.1Q
> +   header with VLAN 9:
> +
> +       ovs-vsctl add-br br0
> +       ovs-vsctl add-port br0 vlan9 tag=9 -- set interface vlan9 
> type=internal
> +       ifconfig vlan9

Does eth0 need to be attached to the bridge?

> +A: By default, Open vSwitch assumes that OpenFlow controllers are
> +   connected "in-band", that is, that the controllers are actually
> +   part of the network that is being controllers.  In in-band mode,

"controllers" -> "controlled".

> ...

Do you think it's worth mentioning the "other-config : disable-in-band" option 
along with the ones you've listed?

A few other possible FAQ entries (I'm happy to write them if you think they're 

        - OVS is not specific to Linux and is not limited to being a vswitch.  
Maybe mention the PORTING guide.
        - OVS supports OpenFlow 1.0 and a number of vendor extensions.  Work on 
later versions is ongoing, and provide a pointer to the page if people want to 
contribute to that effort.
        - Stuff not supported in userspace.
        - Stuff not supported with upstream kernel module.

The last two items we discussed putting next to man page sections that impact 
them, but I wonder if it would be good to just dump them all in a single 

Thanks again!


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