My bad, I misread man pages and I was debugging tunnel config problem
so thought probably local_ip can be used to influence soure_ip in the
linux and could solve my config problem and from the output of
ovs-vsctl assumed ip addresses are configured correctly. Output from
ovs-vsctl shows as follows.

ovs-vsctl shows

    Bridge "br0"
        Port "gre0"
            Interface "gre0"
                type: gre
                options: {local_ip=",remote_ip="}
        Port "eth0"
            Interface "eth0"
        Port "br0"
            Interface "br0"
                type: internal

For the flow configuration, I think I need to have couple of flows
configured via ovs-ofctl i.e.

On transmit side:

1. match IP/ICMP/IP_src/IP_dst and actions=2(gre0 port number)
2. match IP/GRE/IP_src/IP_dst and actions=1(eth0 port number)

On receive side:

1. match IP/GRE/IP_src/IP_dst and actions=??? to strip/decap gre header
2. match IP/ICMP/IP_src/IP_dst and actions=NORMAL


On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Justin Pettit <> wrote:
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 10:31 AM, ravi kerur wrote:
>> 1. if i configure gre port with the following option(local_ip)
>> ovs-vsctl add-port br0 gre0 -- set interface gre0 type=gre
>> options:local_ip=,remote_ip=
> Do you see errors in ovs-vswitchd.log?  My guess is you'll see error messages 
> about bad options.  Try configuring the options like this: 
> "options:local_ip= options:remote_ip=".
> By the way, are you sure you want to be setting "local_ip"?  It isn't 
> specifying which IP address will be used to send the packets; that's 
> controlled by Linux's IP stack.  Its use is described in the 
> ovs-vswitchd.conf.db man page.
>> ovs-vsctl show command, shows gre0 port configured.
>> ovs-dpctl and ovs-ofctl show br0 commands, do not show gre0 port
>> configured, at least from the output I am assuming gre0 port is not
>> seen by ovs-ofctl and ovs-dpctl.
> You should be able to see it with those commands, but my guess is the 
> configuration was bad.
> --Justin
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