Looks good, only minor comments.

> + * We use a variation on the "Space-Saving" algorithm in Metwally et al.,
> + * "Efficient Computation of Frequent and Top-k Elements in Data Streams", 
> + * Transactions on Database Systems 31:3 (2006).  This algorithm yields
> + * perfectly accurate results when the data stream's unique values (in this
> + * case, port numbers) fit into our data structure, and degrades gracefully
> + * even for challenging distributions (e.g. Zipf).

My reading of the paper, which may be erroneous, lead me to believe
that they did quite well with Zipfian distributions.  Their worst case
is perfectly random distributions.

> +enum { N_SKETCHES = 8 };        /* Number of elements per channel. */

It's hard to say, but I wonder if this value is a bit low.  I could
imagine situations in which we overflow the sketches and basically
have no useful information.  That said, this is a good conservative
value from a performance perspective, we can always implement the full
space savings data structure later if we want to increase the number
of counters to 256 or something.

> +/* Logs information about a packet that was recently lost in 'ch' (in
> + * 'dpif_'). */
> +static void
> +report_loss(struct dpif *dpif_, struct dpif_channel *ch)

I think it would be quite useful to expose this information in an
appctl command.  May also be useful to automatically log this every
once in a while even if we aren't experiencing problems.  Neither of
these suggestions should block merging of this patch, just a thought.

> +    VLOG_ERR("%s: lost packet with hash %d%s",
> +             dpif_name(dpif_), ch - dpif->channels, ds_cstr(&s));

I don't fully understand this log message.  Why is ch - dpif->channels
called a hash?  I don't see how that information is useful either.  I
would think just the dpif_name and the dynamic-string would be

> +}
> +

Redundant newline.

Thanks, this is a pretty cool little algorithm.
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