On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 07:36:32PM +0200, ravi.ke...@telekom.com wrote:
> Attached MPLS and VLAN QinQ patch after rebasing to following commit
> commit 046f1f89e6d7716581de207dd0c54421926bc25b
> Author: Ethan Jackson <et...@nicira.com<mailto:et...@nicira.com>>
> Date:   Mon May 21 13:20:18 2012 -0700

Here's some initial feedback for stuff I noticed in reading roughly
half of the MPLS patch.  I'll send more later, but this should be
enough to get you going.

High-level comments

OF1.3 adds the ability to match on the MPLS "BOS" bit.  Should we add
that here too?

It occurs to me that we could drop the NXAST_SET_MPLS_LABEL and
NXAST_SET_MPLS_TC actions because these can be implemented through
"register load" actions.  OpenFlow 1.2 also dropped the similar OFPAT_
actions, for the same reason, so maybe we shouldn't bother with NXAST_
actions for them as they don't have any additional benefit for
OpenFlow 1.0 with Nicira extensions.

I didn't read the datapath code.


I'd indent the comments for the last three the same as for the first
three, below:

+       OVS_ACTION_ATTR_PUSH_MPLS,    /* be16, ethertype */
+       OVS_ACTION_ATTR_POP_MPLS,     /* be16, ethertype */
+       OVS_ACTION_ATTR_SET_MPLS_LSE, /* be32, mpls label stack entry */
+       OVS_ACTION_ATTR_DEC_MPLS_TTL,   /* No argument */
+       OVS_ACTION_ATTR_COPY_TTL_OUT,   /* No argument */
+       OVS_ACTION_ATTR_COPY_TTL_IN,    /* No argument */


The comments should be slightly more explicit, e.g. change
    ovs_be32 mpls_label;            /* MPLS label */
    ovs_be32 mpls_label;            /* MPLS label in low 20 bits. */
and similarly for mpls_tc.


Stray space here:
parse_remaining_mpls (struct ofpbuf *b)
and here:
parse_mpls (struct ofpbuf *b, struct flow *flow)

In parse_remaining_mpls(), this:
        if (!(ntohl(flow->mpls_lse) & MPLS_STACK_MASK)) {
is better written as:
        if (!(flow->mpls_lse & htonl(MPLS_STACK_MASK))) {

In parse_remaining_mpls() and parse_mpls(), there's an odd "+
sizeof(ovs_be16)" that I don't see any reason for.  I think you must
have just copied that from parse_vlan().  It's in parse_vlan() because
the VLAN TCI must be followed by at least 16 bits (the Ethertype).  I
don't think there's the same requirement following an MPLS header, so
I'd be inclined to drop it.

I think that you can greatly simplify parse_remaining_mpls() to just
this (not tested):

    while (b->size >= sizeof(struct mpls_hdr)) {
        struct mpls_hdr *mh = ofpbuf_pull(b, sizeof *mh);
        if (mh->mpls_lse & htonl(MPLS_STACK_MASK)) {

I don't think we should consider the MPLS label in
flow_hash_symmetric_l4(), because there's no assurance that the MPLS
labels would be the same in both directions.  (Bruce Davie tells me
that in fact that's unlikely.)

The comment on flow_set_mpls_label() seems incomplete (it ends with a


The comment should end with a period and a space:
    ovs_be32 mpls_lse;          /* MPLS label stack entry*/


Please add mpls_label and mpls_tc to the list of exceptions in the
large comment inside struct mf_field.


In format_odp_action(), a few bits of code seem bigger than necessary, e.g.:

+        push_ethertype = nl_attr_get_be16(a);
+        ds_put_cstr(ds, "push_mpls(");
+        ds_put_format(ds, "eth_type=0x%04"PRIx16"", ntohs(push_ethertype));
+        ds_put_char(ds, ')');
+        break;

could be written as a single call to ds_put_format(), and that's what
I'd do.  Similarly for OVS_ACTION_ATTR_POP_MPLS.

In parse_odp_action(), you write:
+        int etype = ETH_TYPE_MPLS;
in two places, but in each case the ETH_TYPE_MPLS value is always
overwritten, so I'd drop the initializers.

It looks to me that the changes to parse_8021q_onward() and
odp_flow_key_to_flow() are the same and that they could be integrated
into parse_l3_onward() to avoid code duplication.

In commit_mpls_push_action() and commit_mpls_pop_action(), I'm
surprised that we can possibly log errors at this late stage.
Shouldn't we catch these errors earlier?


In parse_named_action(), you can use the autogenerated action-specific
functions to put actions, instead of the generic ofputil_put_action(),
ofputil_put_NXAST_COPY_TTL_OUT().  Please follow the pattern in the
existing cases.


Drop the VLAN-related changes in this patch, please.

mpls_lse_to_stack() can be more simply written as:
    return (mpls_lse & htonl(MPLS_STACK_MASK)) != 0;


You should add tests for parsing and formatting the mpls keys and
actions here, following the existing pattern.
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