You shouldn't need to use the VM:

The openflow-discuss mailing list is probably a better place forum if you have 
questions, since we don't maintain the wireshark dissector:

There have been some discussion there recently about it, but I haven't been 
paying too close attention.


On May 9, 2012, at 6:46 PM, YIMIN CHEN wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to use wireshark to watch messages b/w ovs and nox.
> Reading the openflow tutorial "The VM image includes the OpenFlow
> Wireshark dissector pre-installed. ". Does it only comes with VM
> image? I am developing nox and ovs on ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Is this system
> too old to have wireshark with openflow support?
> Thanks!
> Yimin
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