> Ethan had complained about the "appctl" missing and asked that we add it back 
> (to the new one and change the old ones), which is why Arun did it in that 
> way.  I don't have a strong preference.  Ethan, what are your thoughts?

I always get tripped up looking for lacp/show cfm/show etc output
because the appctl isn't in the file name. If I want to see ovs-ofctl
dump-flows output, I know it's in the file called
ovs-ofctl-dump-flows...  If I want the ovs-appctl lacp/show output, I
end up using tab completion to try and open a file named
ovs-appctl..., one doesn't exist, so I end up running find | grep
lacp.  In total it wastes about 120 seconds once every other month.
Not really a huge deal, just a minor annoyance.


> --Justin
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