Getting very close, mostly nits at this point.

Quite a few of the comments in the code refer to the old behavior.
Particularly we aren't calculating an average of remote MPs anymore,
and -1 doesn't necessarily mean CFM is disabled (in ofproto).

> +
> +    int health;               /* Average health over all remote_mps */

This comment needs a period.

> +    int health_interval;      /* Num of fault_intervals used to compute the
> +                               * health. */

This would easier to read if it wrote out Number fully instead of just
Num.  I actually think this comment isn't accurate anyways.  Shouldn't
it say something like "Number of fault intervals since health was

>         cfm->remote_opup = true;
> +        if (cfm->health_interval == CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL) {
> +            int cfm_health = 0;
> +
> +            /* Calculate the cfm health of the interface.  If the number of
> +             * remote_mpids of a cfm interface is > 1, the cfm health is
> +             * undefined. If the number of remote_mpids is 1, the cfm Health 
> is
> +             * simply the remote_mpid's health, else it is 0. */
> +            if (hmap_count(&cfm->remote_mps) > 1) {
> +                cfm->health = -1;
> +            } else {
> +                HMAP_FOR_EACH (rmp, node, &cfm->remote_mps) {
> +                    int lost, exp_ccm_recvd;

lost is now redundant.

> +
> +                    exp_ccm_recvd = (CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL << 2) -
> +                        (CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL >> 1);

This would be much easier to read if it's just CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL * 7 / 2.

> +
> +                    /* Calculate the percentage of healthy ccm frames 
> received.
> +                     * Since the 'fault_interval' is (3.5 * cfm_interval), 
> and
> +                     * 1 CCM packet must be received every cfm_interval,
> +                     * the 'remote_mpid' health reports the percentage of
> +                     * healthy CCM frames received every
> +                     * 'CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL'th 'fault_interval'. */
> +                    rmp->health = (rmp->num_health_ccm * 100) / 
> exp_ccm_recvd;
> +                    rmp->health = MIN(rmp->health, 100);
> +                    assert(rmp->health >= 0 && rmp->health <= 100);
> +                    cfm_health += rmp->health;
> +                    rmp->num_health_ccm = 0;
> +                }
> +                /* Calculate the cfm health. */
> +                cfm->health = hmap_is_empty(&cfm->remote_mps)
> +                              ? 0 :
> +                              cfm_health;
> +                assert(cfm->health >= 0 && cfm->health <= 100);
> +            }

Now that we only support cfm_health when there is one rmp, for
readability, it may make sense to restructure the above code a bit.
Perhaps something like the following (completely untested) diff:

         if (cfm->health_interval == CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL) {
-            int cfm_health = 0;
             /* Calculate the cfm health of the interface.  If the number of
              * remote_mpids of a cfm interface is > 1, the cfm health is
              * undefined. If the number of remote_mpids is 1, the cfm Health is
              * simply the remote_mpid's health, else it is 0. */
             if (hmap_count(&cfm->remote_mps) > 1) {
                 cfm->health = -1;
+            } else if (hmap_is_empty(&cfm->remote_mps)) {
+                cfm->health = 0;
             } else {
-                HMAP_FOR_EACH (rmp, node, &cfm->remote_mps) {
-                    int lost, exp_ccm_recvd;
-                    exp_ccm_recvd = (CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL << 2) -
-                        (CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL >> 1);
-                    /* Calculate the percentage of healthy ccm frames received.
-                     * Since the 'fault_interval' is (3.5 * cfm_interval), and
-                     * 1 CCM packet must be received every cfm_interval,
-                     * the 'remote_mpid' health reports the percentage of
-                     * healthy CCM frames received every
-                     * 'CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL'th 'fault_interval'. */
-                    rmp->health = (rmp->num_health_ccm * 100) / exp_ccm_recvd;
-                    rmp->health = MIN(rmp->health, 100);
-                    assert(rmp->health >= 0 && rmp->health <= 100);
-                    cfm_health += rmp->health;
-                    rmp->num_health_ccm = 0;
-                }
-                /* Calculate the cfm health. */
-                cfm->health = hmap_is_empty(&cfm->remote_mps)
-                              ? 0 :
-                              cfm_health;
+                int lost, exp_ccm_recvd;
+                rmp = CONTAINER_OF(hmap_first(&cfm->remote_mps),
+                                   struct remote_mp, node);
+                exp_ccm_recvd = (CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL << 2) -
+                    (CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL >> 1);
+                /* Calculate the percentage of healthy ccm frames received.
+                 * Since the 'fault_interval' is (3.5 * cfm_interval), and
+                 * 1 CCM packet must be received every cfm_interval,
+                 * the 'remote_mpid' health reports the percentage of
+                 * healthy CCM frames received every
+                 * 'CFM_HEALTH_INTERVAL'th 'fault_interval'. */
+                rmp->health = (rmp->num_health_ccm * 100) / exp_ccm_recvd;
+                rmp->health = MIN(rmp->health, 100);
+                assert(rmp->health >= 0 && rmp->health <= 100);
+                cfm->health = rmp->health;
+                rmp->num_health_ccm = 0;

> +            cfm->health_interval = 0;
> +        }
> +        cfm->health_interval++;

As a nit I'd probably add a new line here.

>         HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (rmp, rmp_next, node, &cfm->remote_mps) {
> -

And it's not clear to me why this newline was removed.

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