Thanks for your reply, but  how does the userspace make the decision about flow 
table clear?  As far as I know, OVS use this function u64 ovs_flow_used_time()  
to calculate the time flow is used, and then submit to userspace in statistics 
with function static int ovs_flow_cmd_fill_info().  Can you show me the source 
file about decision making process or some function about it, if that is 
 Thank you very much.

On 2012-4-4, at 下午5:42, Justin Pettit wrote:

> On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:36 AM, LIU Binghan wrote:
>> I think there are two possible ways it could be. 
>> First, in the beginning, datapath does not have any flow table. If it found 
>> a flow that it does not know, then it would pass the flow key and packet to 
>> vswitchd. Vswitchd processes the packet, and also tells the datapath to 
>> expand its flow table about this flow. After that, packets would process by 
>> kernel. And then, if after several seconds some flow does not show up, the 
>> flow table will delete the flow from it.
>> Second, datapath just utilize some exist flow table in the kernel(not kernel 
>> module) and only learn the flow that they do not know from vswtich. 
>> So which one is right or both them are wrong?  Thanks for your answer.
> The first one.  The only correction is that userspace makes the determination 
> on when the kernel flow table should be cleared, not the kernel module on its 
> own.
> --Justin

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