On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 02:13:32PM -0700, Mehak Mahajan wrote:
> Done ... Hopefully this is the last set of whitespaces :)

You can make Emacs highlight trailing whitespace by adding:
    (add-hook 'c-mode-hook (lambda () (setq show-trailing-whitespace t)))
to your .emacs.

> > We should mention this new feature in NEWS.
> >
> Not sure what is NEWS ?

A file at the top level of the source tree that briefly describes
user-visible features.  When we add a feature, we add a bullet point
to the file.

> > You added some #if 0'd code in util.c, please remove it.
> >
> >
> This was related to another bug. The one where the strtoll was creating an
> issue. I had created a separate branch for this. Not sure why this is
> showing up in my dscp changes branch. I had committed the changes of both
> these branches before i generated a diff. I though commit would only commit
> to the branch. Isn't that correct ?

Yes, that's correct.  It seems likely that somehow you got mixed up
about what branch you were committing to.  It's easy enough to go
astray with Git at first (just ask Justin).

> > I noticed this in connmgr_run() in connmgr.c:
> >             /* Passing default value for creation of the rconn */
> >             rconn = rconn_create(ofservice->probe_interval, 0,
> > but I think that we can get the dscp value from struct ofservice
> > (adding a new 'dscp' member), which ofservice_reconfigure() would
> > initialize.
> >
> This I assume is for the controller connection. So you are suggesting I
> should add a dscp member to the ofcreate structure as well. Am I correct ?

To which structure?


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