On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 12:50:07PM -0700, Ethan Jackson wrote:
> > I was trying to refer to the bit with value 2**0. ?(There is some
> > ambiguity in bit numbering: some people consider bits to be numbered
> > left-to-right, so that this would be bit 7. ?See
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_numbering.) ?I'll call it bit 0
> > instead, as you say.
> I didn't realize that 2**0 was a standard bit numbering scheme.  If
> you prefer it I'm fine with leaving it, either way is good.

** is just the way that "power" is written in some programming
languages (e.g. Fortran); 2 to the 0th power is 1.

^ is also a popular way to write "power", but I try to avoid using it
in a C context since it has a different meaning in C.
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