This is still more or less untested.
 include/openflow/nicira-ext.h |  193 ++++++++++++++-
 lib/               |    2 +
 lib/learn.c                   |  585 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/learn.h                   |   40 +++
 lib/ofp-parse.c               |    5 +
 lib/ofp-print.c               |    5 +
 lib/ofp-util.c                |    6 +
 lib/ofp-util.def              |    1 +
 ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c        |   26 ++
 ofproto/ofproto-provider.h    |   14 +
 ofproto/ofproto.c             |   62 +++--
 utilities/      |   57 ++++
 12 files changed, 971 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/learn.c
 create mode 100644 lib/learn.h

diff --git a/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h b/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h
index 4fab6f1..08da126 100644
--- a/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h
+++ b/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h
@@ -281,7 +281,8 @@ enum nx_action_subtype {
     NXAST_BUNDLE,               /* struct nx_action_bundle */
     NXAST_BUNDLE_LOAD,          /* struct nx_action_bundle */
     NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE,       /* struct nx_action_resubmit */
-    NXAST_OUTPUT_REG            /* struct nx_action_output_reg */
+    NXAST_OUTPUT_REG,           /* struct nx_action_output_reg */
+    NXAST_LEARN                 /* struct nx_action_learn */
 /* Header for Nicira-defined actions. */
@@ -656,6 +657,196 @@ enum nx_mp_algorithm {
     NX_MP_ALG_ITER_HASH         /* Iterative Hash. */
+/* Action structure for NXAST_LEARN.
+ *
+ * This action adds or modifies a flow in an OpenFlow table, similar to
+ * OFPT_FLOW_MOD with OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT as 'command'.  The new flow has the
+ * specified idle timeout, hard timeout, priority, and flags.  The new flow's
+ * match criteria and actions are built by applying each of the series of
+ * flow_mod_spec elements included as part of the action.
+ *
+ * A flow_mod_spec starts with a 16-bit header.  A header that is all-bits-0 is
+ * a no-op used for padding the action as a whole to a multiple of 8 bytes in
+ * length.  Otherwise, the flow_mod_spec can be thought of as copying 'n_bits'
+ * bits from a source to a destination.  In this case, the header contains
+ * multiple fields:
+ *
+ *  15  14  13 12  11 10                              0
+ * +------+---+------+---------------------------------+
+ * |   0  |src|  dst |             n_bits              |
+ * +------+---+------+---------------------------------+
+ *
+ * The meaning and format of a flow_mod_spec depends on 'src' and 'dst'.  The
+ * following table summarizes the meaning of each possible combination.
+ * Details follow the table:
+ *
+ *   src dst  meaning
+ *   --- ---  ----------------------------------------------------------
+ *    0   0   Add match criteria based on value in a field.
+ *    1   0   Add match criteria based on an immediate value.
+ *    0   1   Add NXAST_REG_LOAD action to copy field into a different field.
+ *    1   1   Add NXAST_REG_LOAD action to load immediate value into a field.
+ *    0   2   Add OFPAT_OUTPUT action to output to port from specified field.
+ *   All other combinations are undefined and not allowed.
+ *
+ * The flow_mod_spec header is followed by a source specification and a
+ * destination specification.  The format and meaning of the source
+ * specification depends on 'src':
+ *
+ *   - If 'src' is 0, the source bits are taken from a field in the flow to
+ *     which this action is attached.  (This should be a wildcarded field.  If
+ *     its value is fully specified then the source bits being copied have
+ *     constant values.)
+ *
+ *     The source specification is an ovs_be32 'field' and an ovs_be16 'ofs'.
+ *     'field' is an nxm_header with nxm_hasmask=0, and 'ofs' the starting bit
+ *     offset within that field.  The source bits are field[ofs:ofs+n_bits-1].
+ *     'field' and 'ofs' are subject to the same restrictions as the source
+ *     field in NXAST_REG_MOVE.
+ *
+ *   - If 'src' is 1, the source bits are a constant value.  The source
+ *     specification is (n_bits+15)/16*2 bytes long.  Taking those bytes as a
+ *     number in network order, the source bits are the 'n_bits'
+ *     least-significant bits.  The switch will report an error if other bits
+ *     in the constant are nonzero.
+ *
+ * The flow_mod_spec destination specification, for 'dst' of 0 or 1, is an
+ * ovs_be32 'field' and an ovs_be16 'ofs'.  'field' is an nxm_header with
+ * nxm_hasmask=0 and 'ofs' is a starting bit offset within that field.  The
+ * meaning of the flow_mod_spec depends on 'dst':
+ *
+ *   - If 'dst' is 0, the flow_mod_spec specifies match criteria for the new
+ *     flow.  The new flow matches only if bits field[ofs:ofs+n_bits-1] in a
+ *     packet equal the source bits.  'field' may be any nxm_header with
+ *     nxm_hasmask=0 that is allowed in NXT_FLOW_MOD.
+ *
+ *     Order is significant.  Earlier flow_mod_specs must satisfy any
+ *     prerequisites for matching fields specified later, by copying constant
+ *     values into prerequisite fields.
+ *
+ *     The switch will reject flow_mod_specs that do not satisfy NXM masking
+ *     restrictions.
+ *
+ *   - If 'dst' is 1, the flow_mod_spec specifies an NXAST_REG_LOAD action for
+ *     the new flow.  The new flow copies the source bits into
+ *     field[ofs:ofs+n_bits-1].  Actions are executed in the same order as the
+ *     flow_mod_specs.
+ *
+ * The flow_mod_spec destination spec for 'dst' of 2 (when 'src' is 0) is
+ * empty.  It has the following meaning:
+ *
+ *   - The flow_mod_spec specifies an OFPAT_OUTPUT action for the new flow.
+ *     The new flow outputs to the OpenFlow port specified by the source field.
+ *     Of the special output ports with value OFPP_MAX or larger, OFPP_IN_PORT,
+ *     OFPP_FLOOD, OFPP_LOCAL, and OFPP_ALL are supported.  Other special ports
+ *     may not be used.
+ *
+ * Resource Management
+ * -------------------
+ *
+ * A switch has a finite amount of flow table space available for learning.
+ * When this space is exhausted, no new learning table entries will be learned
+ * until some existing flow table entries expire.  The controller should be
+ * prepared to handle this by flooding (which can be implemented as a
+ * low-priority flow).
+ *
+ * Examples
+ * --------
+ *
+ * The following examples give a prose description of the flow_mod_specs along
+ * with informal notation for how those would be represented and a hex dump of
+ * the bytes that would be required.
+ *
+ * These examples could work with various nx_action_learn parameters.  Typical
+ * values would be idle_timeout=60, hard_timeout=0,
+ * priority=OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, flags=0, table_id=10.
+ *
+ * 1. Learn input port based on the source MAC, with lookup into
+ *    NXM_NX_REG1[16:31] by resubmit to in_port=99:
+ *
+ *    Match on in_port=99:
+ *       ovs_be16(src=1, dst=0, n_bits=16),               20 10
+ *       ovs_be16(99),                                    00 63
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_OF_IN_PORT), ovs_be16(0)            00 00 00 02 00 00
+ *
+ *    Match Ethernet destination on Ethernet source from packet:
+ *       ovs_be16(src=0, dst=0, n_bits=48),               00 30
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_OF_ETH_SRC), ovs_be16(0)            00 00 04 06 00 00
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_OF_ETH_DST), ovs_be16(0)            00 00 02 06 00 00
+ *
+ *    Set NXM_NX_REG1[16:31] to the packet's input port:
+ *       ovs_be16(src=0, dst=1, n_bits=16),               08 10
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_OF_IN_PORT), ovs_be16(0)            00 00 00 02 00 00
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_NX_REG1), ovs_be16(16)              00 01 02 04 00 10
+ *
+ *    Given a packet that arrived on port A with Ethernet source address B,
+ *    this would set up the flow "in_port=99, dl_dst=B,
+ *    actions=load:A->NXM_NX_REG1[16..31]".
+ *
+ *    In syntax accepted by ovs-ofctl, this action is: learn(in_port=99,
+ *
+ * 2. Output to input port based on the source MAC and VLAN VID, with lookup
+ *    into NXM_NX_REG1[16:31]:
+ *
+ *    Match on same VLAN ID as packet:
+ *       ovs_be16(src=0, dst=0, n_bits=12),               00 0c
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI), ovs_be16(0)           00 00 08 02 00 00
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI), ovs_be16(0)           00 00 08 02 00 00
+ *
+ *    Match Ethernet destination on Ethernet source from packet:
+ *       ovs_be16(src=0, dst=0, n_bits=48),               00 30
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_OF_ETH_SRC), ovs_be16(0)            00 00 04 06 00 00
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_OF_ETH_DST), ovs_be16(0)            00 00 02 06 00 00
+ *
+ *    Output to the packet's input port:
+ *       ovs_be16(src=0, dst=2, n_bits=16),               10 10
+ *       ovs_be32(NXM_OF_IN_PORT), ovs_be16(0)            00 00 00 02 00 00
+ *
+ *    Given a packet that arrived on port A with Ethernet source address B in
+ *    VLAN C, this would set up the flow "dl_dst=B, vlan_vid=C,
+ *    actions=output:A".
+ *
+ *    In syntax accepted by ovs-ofctl, this action is:
+ *    learn(NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11], NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[],
+ *    output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[])
+ *
+ * Advice to Controller Implementors
+ * ---------------------------------
+ *
+ * For best performance, segregate learned flows into a table that is not used
+ * for any other flows except possibly for a lowest-priority "catch-all" flow
+ * (a flow with no match criteria).  If different learning actions specify
+ * different match criteria, use different tables for the learned flows.
+ */
+struct nx_action_learn {
+    ovs_be16 type;              /* OFPAT_VENDOR. */
+    ovs_be16 len;               /* At least 24. */
+    ovs_be32 vendor;            /* NX_VENDOR_ID. */
+    ovs_be16 subtype;           /* NXAST_LEARN. */
+    ovs_be16 idle_timeout;      /* Idle time before discarding (seconds). */
+    ovs_be16 hard_timeout;      /* Max time before discarding (seconds). */
+    ovs_be16 priority;          /* Priority level of flow entry. */
+    ovs_be16 flags;             /* Either 0 or OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM. */
+    uint8_t table_id;           /* Table to insert flow entry. */
+    uint8_t pad[5];             /* Must be zero. */
+    /* Followed by a sequence of flow_mod_spec elements, as described above,
+     * until the end of the action is reached. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct nx_action_learn) == 24);
+#define NX_LEARN_N_BITS_MASK    0x3ff
+#define NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD     (0 << 13) /* Copy from field. */
+#define NX_LEARN_SRC_IMMEDIATE (1 << 13) /* Copy from immediate value. */
+#define NX_LEARN_SRC_MASK      (1 << 13)
+#define NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH     (0 << 11) /* Add match criterion. */
+#define NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD      (1 << 11) /* Add NXAST_REG_LOAD action. */
+#define NX_LEARN_DST_OUTPUT    (2 << 11) /* Add OFPAT_OUTPUT action. */
+#define NX_LEARN_DST_RESERVED  (3 << 11)
+#define NX_LEARN_DST_MASK      (3 << 11)
 /* Action structure for NXAST_AUTOPATH.
  * This action performs the following steps in sequence:
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index bd7e095..b925991 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ lib_libopenvswitch_a_SOURCES = \
        lib/lacp.h \
        lib/leak-checker.c \
        lib/leak-checker.h \
+       lib/learn.c \
+       lib/learn.h \
        lib/learning-switch.c \
        lib/learning-switch.h \
        lib/list.c \
diff --git a/lib/learn.c b/lib/learn.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e49e2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/learn.c
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Nicira Networks.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "learn.h"
+#include "byte-order.h"
+#include "dynamic-string.h"
+#include "meta-flow.h"
+#include "nx-match.h"
+#include "ofp-util.h"
+#include "ofpbuf.h"
+#include "openflow/openflow.h"
+#include "unaligned.h"
+static ovs_be16
+get_be16(const void **pp)
+    const ovs_be16 *p = *pp;
+    ovs_be16 value = *p;
+    *pp = p + 1;
+    return value;
+static ovs_be32
+get_be32(const void **pp)
+    const ovs_be32 *p = *pp;
+    ovs_be32 value = get_unaligned_be32(p);
+    *pp = p + 1;
+    return value;
+static uint64_t
+get_bits(int n_bits, const void **p)
+    int n_segs = DIV_ROUND_UP(n_bits, 16);
+    uint64_t value;
+    value = 0;
+    while (n_segs-- > 0) {
+        value = (value << 16) | ntohs(get_be16(p));
+    }
+    return value;
+static bool
+is_all_zeros(const uint8_t *field, size_t length)
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        if (field[i] != 0x00) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+learn_check(const struct nx_action_learn *learn, const struct flow *flow)
+    struct cls_rule rule;
+    const void *p, *end;
+    cls_rule_init_catchall(&rule, 0);
+    if (learn->flags & ~htons(OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM)
+        || !is_all_zeros(learn->pad, sizeof learn->pad)
+        || learn->table_id == 0xff) {
+        return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT);
+    }
+    end = (char *) learn + ntohs(learn->len);
+    for (p = learn + 1; p != end; ) {
+        uint16_t header = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+        int n_bits = header & NX_LEARN_N_BITS_MASK;
+        int src_type = header & NX_LEARN_SRC_MASK;
+        int dst_type = header & NX_LEARN_DST_MASK;
+        uint64_t value;
+        int min_len;
+        int error;
+        if (!header) {
+            break;
+        }
+        /* Check for valid src and dst type combination. */
+        if (dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH ||
+            dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD ||
+            (dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_OUTPUT &&
+             src_type == NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD)) {
+            /* OK. */
+        } else {
+            return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT);
+        }
+        /* Check that the arguments don't overrun the end of the action. */
+        min_len = 0;
+        if (src_type == NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD) {
+            min_len += sizeof(ovs_be32); /* src_field */
+            min_len += sizeof(ovs_be16); /* src_ofs */
+        } else {
+            min_len += DIV_ROUND_UP(n_bits, 16);
+        }
+        if (dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH ||
+            dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD) {
+            min_len += sizeof(ovs_be32); /* dst_field */
+            min_len += sizeof(ovs_be16); /* dst_ofs */
+        }
+        if ((char *) end - (char *) p < min_len) {
+            return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN);
+        }
+        /* Check the source. */
+        if (src_type == NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD) {
+            ovs_be32 src_field = get_be32(&p);
+            int src_ofs = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+            error = nxm_src_check(src_field, src_ofs, n_bits, flow);
+            if (error) {
+                return error;
+            }
+            value = 0;
+        } else {
+            value = get_bits(n_bits, &p);
+        }
+        /* Check the destination. */
+        if (dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH || dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD) {
+            ovs_be32 dst_field = get_be32(&p);
+            int dst_ofs = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+            int error;
+            error = nxm_dst_check(dst_field, dst_ofs, n_bits, flow);
+            if (error) {
+                return error;
+            }
+            if (dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH
+                && src_type == NX_LEARN_SRC_IMMEDIATE) {
+                mf_set_subfield(nxm_field_to_mf_field(ntohl(dst_field)), value,
+                                dst_ofs, n_bits, &rule);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (!is_all_zeros(p, (char *) end - (char *) p)) {
+        return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT);
+    }
+    return 0;
+learn_execute(const struct nx_action_learn *learn, const struct flow *flow,
+              struct ofputil_flow_mod *fm)
+    const void *p, *end;
+    struct ofpbuf actions;
+    cls_rule_init_catchall(&fm->cr, ntohs(learn->priority));
+    fm->cookie = htonll(0);     /* XXX */
+    fm->table_id = learn->table_id;
+    fm->command = OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT;
+    fm->idle_timeout = ntohs(learn->idle_timeout);
+    fm->hard_timeout = ntohs(learn->hard_timeout);
+    fm->buffer_id = UINT32_MAX;
+    fm->out_port = OFPP_NONE;
+    fm->flags = ntohs(learn->flags) & OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM;
+    fm->actions = NULL;
+    fm->n_actions = 0;
+    ofpbuf_init(&actions, 64);
+    for (p = learn + 1, end = (char *) learn + ntohs(learn->len); p != end; ) {
+        uint16_t header = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+        int n_bits = header & NX_LEARN_N_BITS_MASK;
+        int src_type = header & NX_LEARN_SRC_MASK;
+        int dst_type = header & NX_LEARN_DST_MASK;
+        uint64_t value;
+        struct nx_action_reg_load *load;
+        ovs_be32 dst_field;
+        int dst_ofs;
+        if (!header) {
+            break;
+        }
+        if (src_type == NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD) {
+            ovs_be32 src_field = get_be32(&p);
+            int src_ofs = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+            value = nxm_read_field_bits(src_field,
+                                        nxm_encode_ofs_nbits(src_ofs, n_bits),
+                                        flow);
+        } else {
+            value = get_bits(n_bits, &p);
+        }
+        switch (dst_type) {
+        case NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH:
+            dst_field = get_be32(&p);
+            dst_ofs = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+            mf_set_subfield(nxm_field_to_mf_field(ntohl(dst_field)), value,
+                            dst_ofs, n_bits, &fm->cr);
+            break;
+        case NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD:
+            dst_field = get_be32(&p);
+            dst_ofs = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+            load = ofputil_put_NXAST_REG_LOAD(&actions);
+            load->ofs_nbits = nxm_encode_ofs_nbits(dst_ofs, n_bits);
+            load->dst = dst_field;
+            load->value = htonll(value);
+            break;
+        case NX_LEARN_DST_OUTPUT:
+            ofputil_put_OFPAT_OUTPUT(&actions)->port = htons(value);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    fm->actions = ofpbuf_steal_data(&actions);
+    fm->n_actions = actions.size / sizeof(struct ofp_action_header);
+static void
+put_be16(struct ofpbuf *b, ovs_be16 x)
+    ofpbuf_put(b, &x, sizeof x);
+static void
+put_be32(struct ofpbuf *b, ovs_be32 x)
+    ofpbuf_put(b, &x, sizeof x);
+static void
+put_u16(struct ofpbuf *b, uint16_t x)
+    put_be16(b, htons(x));
+static void
+put_u32(struct ofpbuf *b, uint32_t x)
+    put_be32(b, htonl(x));
+learn_parse(struct ofpbuf *b, char *arg)
+    char *orig = xstrdup(arg);
+    char *name, *value;
+    size_t learn_ofs;
+    size_t len;
+    struct nx_action_learn *learn;
+    struct cls_rule rule;
+    learn_ofs = b->size;
+    learn = ofputil_put_NXAST_LEARN(b);
+    learn->idle_timeout = htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT);
+    learn->hard_timeout = htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT);
+    learn->priority = htons(OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
+    learn->flags = htons(0);
+    learn->table_id = 1;
+    cls_rule_init_catchall(&rule, 0);
+    while (ofputil_parse_key_value(&arg, &name, &value)) {
+        learn = ofpbuf_at_assert(b, learn_ofs, sizeof *learn);
+        if (!strcmp(name, "table")) {
+            learn->table_id = atoi(value);
+            if (learn->table_id == 255) {
+                ovs_fatal(0, "%s: table id 255 not valid for `learn' action",
+                          orig);
+            }
+        } else if (!strcmp(name, "priority")) {
+            learn->priority = htons(atoi(value));
+        } else if (!strcmp(name, "idle_timeout")) {
+            learn->idle_timeout = htons(atoi(value));
+        } else if (!strcmp(name, "hard_timeout")) {
+            learn->hard_timeout = htons(atoi(value));
+        } else if (mf_from_name(name)) {
+            const struct mf_field *mf = mf_from_name(name);
+            uint8_t value_bits[MF_MAXSIZE];
+            uint8_t mask[MF_MAXSIZE];
+            char *error;
+            /* Parse it, check prerequisites, and set it in 'rule'. */
+            if (!mf_are_prereqs_ok(mf, &rule.flow)) {
+                ovs_fatal(0, "%s: cannot specify field %s because "
+                          "prerequisites are not satisfied", orig, name);
+            }
+            error = mf_parse(mf, value, value_bits, mask);
+            if (error) {
+                ovs_fatal(0, "%s", error);
+            }
+            mf_set(mf, value_bits, mask, &rule);
+            /* Add it to the action. */
+            put_u16(b, (NX_LEARN_SRC_IMMEDIATE | NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH |
+                        mf->n_bits));
+            if (mf->n_bytes % 2) {
+                ofpbuf_put_zeros(b, 1);
+            }
+            ofpbuf_put(b, value_bits, mf->n_bytes);
+            put_u32(b, mf->nxm_header);
+            put_u16(b, 0);      /* offset */
+        } else if (strchr(name, '[')) {
+            uint32_t src_header, dst_header;
+            int src_ofs, dst_ofs;
+            int n_bits;
+            if (nxm_parse_field_bits(name, &dst_header, &dst_ofs,
+                                     &n_bits)[0] != '\0') {
+                ovs_fatal(0, "%s: syntax error after NXM field name `%s'",
+                          orig, name);
+            }
+            if (value[0] != '\0') {
+                int src_nbits;
+                if (nxm_parse_field_bits(value, &src_header, &src_ofs,
+                                         &src_nbits)[0] != '\0') {
+                    ovs_fatal(0, "%s: syntax error after NXM field name `%s'",
+                              orig, value);
+                }
+                if (src_nbits != n_bits) {
+                    ovs_fatal(0, "%s: bit widths of %s (%d) and %s (%d) "
+                              "differ",
+                              orig, name, dst_header, value, dst_header);
+                }
+            } else {
+                src_header = dst_header;
+                src_ofs = dst_ofs;
+            }
+            put_u16(b, NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD | NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH | n_bits);
+            put_u32(b, src_header);
+            put_u16(b, src_ofs);
+            put_u32(b, dst_header);
+            put_u16(b, dst_ofs);
+        } else if (!strcmp(name, "load")) {
+            /* XXX check output prereqs? */
+            if (value[strcspn(value, "[-")] == '-') {
+                struct nx_action_reg_load load;
+                int nbits;
+                int ofs;
+                int i;
+                nxm_parse_reg_load(&load, value);
+                nbits = nxm_decode_n_bits(load.ofs_nbits);
+                ofs = nxm_decode_ofs(load.ofs_nbits);
+                put_u16(b, NX_LEARN_SRC_IMMEDIATE | NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD | nbits);
+                for (i = DIV_ROUND_UP(nbits, 16); i-- > 0; ) {
+                    put_u16(b, ntohll(load.value) >> (i * 16));
+                }
+                put_be32(b, load.dst);
+                put_u16(b, ofs);
+            } else {
+                struct nx_action_reg_move move;
+                nxm_parse_reg_move(&move, value);
+                put_u16(b, (NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD | NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD
+                            | ntohs(move.n_bits)));
+                put_be32(b, move.src);
+                put_be16(b, move.src_ofs);
+                put_be32(b, move.dst);
+                put_be16(b, move.dst_ofs);
+            }
+        } else if (!strcmp(name, "output")) {
+            uint32_t header;
+            int ofs, n_bits;
+            if (nxm_parse_field_bits(value, &header, &ofs, &n_bits)[0]
+                != '\0') {
+                ovs_fatal(0, "%s: syntax error after NXM field name `%s'",
+                          orig, name);
+            }
+            put_u16(b, NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD | NX_LEARN_DST_OUTPUT | n_bits);
+            put_u32(b, header);
+            put_u16(b, ofs);
+        } else {
+            ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unknown keyword %s", orig, name);
+        }
+    }
+    free(orig);
+    put_u16(b, 0);
+    len = b->size - learn_ofs;
+    if (len % 8) {
+        ofpbuf_put_zeros(b, 8 - len % 8);
+    }
+    learn = ofpbuf_at_assert(b, learn_ofs, sizeof *learn);
+    learn->len = htons(b->size - learn_ofs);
+learn_format(const struct nx_action_learn *learn, struct ds *s)
+    struct cls_rule rule;
+    const void *p, *end;
+    cls_rule_init_catchall(&rule, 0);
+    ds_put_format(s, "learn(table=%"PRIu8, learn->table_id);
+    if (learn->idle_timeout != htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT)) {
+        ds_put_format(s, ",idle_timeout=%"PRIu16, ntohs(learn->idle_timeout));
+    }
+    if (learn->hard_timeout != htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT)) {
+        ds_put_format(s, ",hard_timeout=%"PRIu16, ntohs(learn->hard_timeout));
+    }
+    if (learn->priority != htons(OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY)) {
+        ds_put_format(s, ",priority=%"PRIu16, ntohs(learn->priority));
+    }
+    if (learn->flags & htons(OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM)) {
+        ds_put_cstr(s, ",OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM");
+    }
+    if (learn->flags & htons(~OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM)) {
+        ds_put_format(s, ",***flags=%"PRIu16"***",
+                      ntohs(learn->flags) & ~OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM);
+    }
+    if (!is_all_zeros(learn->pad, sizeof learn->pad)) {
+        ds_put_cstr(s, ",***nonzero pad***");
+    }
+    end = (char *) learn + ntohs(learn->len);
+    for (p = learn + 1; p != end; ) {
+        uint16_t header = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+        int n_bits = header & NX_LEARN_N_BITS_MASK;
+        int src_type = header & NX_LEARN_SRC_MASK;
+        uint32_t src_header;
+        int src_ofs;
+        const uint8_t *src_value;
+        int src_value_bytes;
+        const struct mf_field *src_field;
+        int dst_type = header & NX_LEARN_DST_MASK;
+        uint32_t dst_header;
+        int dst_ofs;
+        const struct mf_field *dst_field;
+        int min_len;
+        int i;
+        if (!header) {
+            break;
+        }
+        /* Check for valid src and dst type combination. */
+        if (dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH ||
+            dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD ||
+            (dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_OUTPUT &&
+             src_type == NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD)) {
+            /* OK. */
+        } else {
+            ds_put_format(s, ",***bad flow_mod_spec header %"PRIx16"***)",
+                          header);
+            return;
+        }
+        /* Check that the arguments don't overrun the end of the action. */
+        min_len = 0;
+        if (src_type == NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD) {
+            min_len += sizeof(ovs_be32); /* src_header */
+            min_len += sizeof(ovs_be16); /* src_ofs */
+        } else {
+            min_len += 2 * DIV_ROUND_UP(n_bits, 16);
+        }
+        if (dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH ||
+            dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD) {
+            min_len += sizeof(ovs_be32); /* dst_header */
+            min_len += sizeof(ovs_be16); /* dst_ofs */
+        }
+        if ((char *) end - (char *) p < min_len) {
+            ds_put_format(s, ",***flow_mod_spec at offset %td is %d bytes "
+                          "long but only %td bytes are left***)",
+                          (char *) p - (char *) (learn + 1) - 2, min_len + 2,
+                          (char *) end - (char *) p + 2);
+            return;
+        }
+        /* Get the source. */
+        if (src_type == NX_LEARN_SRC_FIELD) {
+            src_header = ntohl(get_be32(&p));
+            src_field = nxm_field_to_mf_field(src_header);
+            src_ofs = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+            src_value_bytes = 0;
+            src_value = NULL;
+        } else {
+            src_header = 0;
+            src_field = NULL;
+            src_ofs = 0;
+            src_value_bytes = 2 * DIV_ROUND_UP(n_bits, 16);
+            src_value = p;
+            p = (const void *) ((const uint8_t *) p + src_value_bytes);
+        }
+        /* Get the destination. */
+        if (dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_MATCH || dst_type == NX_LEARN_DST_LOAD) {
+            dst_header = ntohl(get_be32(&p));
+            dst_field = nxm_field_to_mf_field(dst_header);
+            dst_ofs = ntohs(get_be16(&p));
+        } else {
+            dst_header = 0;
+            dst_field = NULL;
+            dst_ofs = 0;
+        }
+        ds_put_char(s, ',');
+        switch (src_type | dst_type) {
+            if (dst_field && dst_ofs == 0 && n_bits == dst_field->n_bits) {
+                uint8_t value[MF_MAXSIZE];
+                memset(value, 0, sizeof value);
+                memcpy(&value[dst_field->n_bytes - src_value_bytes],
+                       src_value, src_value_bytes);
+                ds_put_format(s, "%s=", dst_field->name);
+                mf_format(dst_field, value, NULL, s);
+            } else {
+                nxm_format_field_bits(s, dst_header, dst_ofs, n_bits);
+                ds_put_cstr(s, "=0x");
+                for (i = 0; i < src_value_bytes; i++) {
+                    ds_put_format(s, "%02"PRIx8, src_value[i]);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+            nxm_format_field_bits(s, dst_header, dst_ofs, n_bits);
+            if (src_header != dst_header || src_ofs != dst_ofs) {
+                ds_put_char(s, '=');
+                nxm_format_field_bits(s, src_header, src_ofs, n_bits);
+            }
+            break;
+            ds_put_cstr(s, "load:0x");
+            for (i = 0; i < src_value_bytes; i++) {
+                ds_put_format(s, "%02"PRIx8, src_value[i]);
+            }
+            ds_put_cstr(s, "->");
+            nxm_format_field_bits(s, dst_header, dst_ofs, n_bits);
+            break;
+            nxm_format_field_bits(s, src_header, src_ofs, n_bits);
+            ds_put_cstr(s, "->");
+            nxm_format_field_bits(s, dst_header, dst_ofs, n_bits);
+            break;
+            ds_put_cstr(s, "output:");
+            nxm_format_field_bits(s, src_header, src_ofs, n_bits);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!is_all_zeros(p, (char *) end - (char *) p)) {
+        ds_put_cstr(s, ",***nonzero trailer***");
+    }
+    ds_put_char(s, ')');
diff --git a/lib/learn.h b/lib/learn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85f275f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/learn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Nicira Networks.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef LEARN_H
+#define LEARN_H 1
+#include <stdint.h>
+struct ds;
+struct flow;
+struct ofpbuf;
+struct ofputil_flow_mod;
+struct nx_action_learn;
+/* NXAST_LEARN helper functions.
+ *
+ * See include/openflow/nicira-ext.h for NXAST_LEARN specification.
+ */
+int learn_check(const struct nx_action_learn *, const struct flow *);
+void learn_execute(const struct nx_action_learn *, const struct flow *,
+                   struct ofputil_flow_mod *);
+void learn_parse(struct ofpbuf *, char *);
+void learn_format(const struct nx_action_learn *, struct ds *);
+#endif /* learn.h */
diff --git a/lib/ofp-parse.c b/lib/ofp-parse.c
index 115fd48..964a387 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-parse.c
+++ b/lib/ofp-parse.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "bundle.h"
 #include "byte-order.h"
 #include "dynamic-string.h"
+#include "learn.h"
 #include "meta-flow.h"
 #include "netdev.h"
 #include "multipath.h"
@@ -332,6 +333,10 @@ parse_named_action(enum ofputil_action_code code, struct 
ofpbuf *b, char *arg)
+        learn_parse(b, arg);
+        break;
diff --git a/lib/ofp-print.c b/lib/ofp-print.c
index 3b9c582..2311092 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-print.c
+++ b/lib/ofp-print.c
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include "compiler.h"
 #include "dynamic-string.h"
 #include "flow.h"
+#include "learn.h"
 #include "multipath.h"
 #include "nx-match.h"
 #include "ofp-util.h"
@@ -333,6 +334,10 @@ ofp_print_action(struct ds *s, const union ofp_action *a,
+        learn_format((const struct nx_action_learn *) a, s);
+        break;
diff --git a/lib/ofp-util.c b/lib/ofp-util.c
index a97a0e3..6705ae4 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-util.c
+++ b/lib/ofp-util.c
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <config.h>
 #include "ofp-print.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <inttypes.h>
 #include <netinet/icmp6.h>
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "byte-order.h"
 #include "classifier.h"
 #include "dynamic-string.h"
+#include "learn.h"
 #include "multipath.h"
 #include "nx-match.h"
 #include "ofp-errors.h"
@@ -2132,6 +2134,10 @@ validate_actions(const union ofp_action *actions, size_t 
                 (const struct nx_action_resubmit *) a);
+        case OFPUTIL_NXAST_LEARN:
+            error = learn_check((const struct nx_action_learn *) a, flow);
+            break;
diff --git a/lib/ofp-util.def b/lib/ofp-util.def
index c5d883d..7868faa 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-util.def
+++ b/lib/ofp-util.def
@@ -34,4 +34,5 @@ NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_BUNDLE,         nx_action_bundle,       1, 
 NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_BUNDLE_LOAD,    nx_action_bundle,       1, "bundle_load")
 NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE, nx_action_resubmit,     0, NULL)
 NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_OUTPUT_REG,     nx_action_output_reg,   0, NULL)
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_LEARN,          nx_action_learn,        1, "learn")
diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
index 3fd95ea..16d3ad2 100644
--- a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
+++ b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "fail-open.h"
 #include "hmapx.h"
 #include "lacp.h"
+#include "learn.h"
 #include "mac-learning.h"
 #include "multipath.h"
 #include "netdev.h"
@@ -3146,6 +3147,25 @@ slave_enabled_cb(uint16_t ofp_port, void *ofproto_)
 static void
+xlate_learn_action(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx,
+                   const struct nx_action_learn *learn)
+    static struct vlog_rate_limit rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(5, 1);
+    struct ofputil_flow_mod fm;
+    int error;
+    learn_execute(learn, &ctx->flow, &fm);
+    error = ofproto_flow_mod(&ctx->ofproto->up, &fm);
+    if (error && !VLOG_DROP_WARN(&rl)) {
+        char *msg = ofputil_error_to_string(error);
+        VLOG_WARN("learning action failed to modify flow table (%s)", msg);
+        free(msg);
+    }
+    free(fm.actions);
+static void
 do_xlate_actions(const union ofp_action *in, size_t n_in,
                  struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx)
@@ -3302,6 +3322,12 @@ do_xlate_actions(const union ofp_action *in, size_t n_in,
             naor = (const struct nx_action_output_reg *) ia;
             xlate_output_reg_action(ctx, naor);
+        case OFPUTIL_NXAST_LEARN:
+            if (ctx->packet) {
+                xlate_learn_action(ctx, (const struct nx_action_learn *) ia);
+            }
+            break;
diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-provider.h b/ofproto/ofproto-provider.h
index 9c53657..0b68d34 100644
--- a/ofproto/ofproto-provider.h
+++ b/ofproto/ofproto-provider.h
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 #include "shash.h"
 #include "timeval.h"
+struct ofputil_flow_mod;
 /* An OpenFlow switch.
  * With few exceptions, ofproto implementations may look at these fields but
@@ -940,6 +942,18 @@ extern const struct ofproto_class ofproto_dpif_class;
 int ofproto_class_register(const struct ofproto_class *);
 int ofproto_class_unregister(const struct ofproto_class *);
+/* ofproto_flow_mod() returns this value if the flow_mod could not be processed
+ * because it overlaps with an ongoing flow table operation that has not yet
+ * completed.  The caller should retry the operation later.
+ *
+ * ofproto.c also uses this value internally for additional (similar) purposes.
+ *
+ * This particular value is a good choice because it is negative (so it won't
+ * collide with any errno value or any value returned by ofp_mkerr()) and large
+ * (so it won't accidentally collide with EOF or a negative errno value). */
+enum { OFPROTO_POSTPONE = -100000 };
+int ofproto_flow_mod(struct ofproto *, const struct ofputil_flow_mod *);
 void ofproto_add_flow(struct ofproto *, const struct cls_rule *,
                       const union ofp_action *, size_t n_actions);
 bool ofproto_delete_flow(struct ofproto *, const struct cls_rule *);
diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto.c b/ofproto/ofproto.c
index d35e1d8..b491b91 100644
--- a/ofproto/ofproto.c
+++ b/ofproto/ofproto.c
@@ -139,16 +139,10 @@ static int add_flow(struct ofproto *, struct ofconn *,
                     const struct ofputil_flow_mod *,
                     const struct ofp_header *);
-/* This return value tells handle_openflow() that processing of the current
- * OpenFlow message must be postponed until some ongoing operations have
- * completed.
- *
- * This particular value is a good choice because it is negative (so it won't
- * collide with any errno value or any value returned by ofp_mkerr()) and large
- * (so it won't accidentally collide with EOF or a negative errno value). */
-enum { OFPROTO_POSTPONE = -100000 };
 static bool handle_openflow(struct ofconn *, struct ofpbuf *);
+static int handle_flow_mod__(struct ofproto *, struct ofconn *,
+                             const struct ofputil_flow_mod *,
+                             const struct ofp_header *);
 static void update_port(struct ofproto *, const char *devname);
 static int init_ports(struct ofproto *);
@@ -1062,6 +1056,18 @@ ofproto_add_flow(struct ofproto *ofproto, const struct 
cls_rule *cls_rule,
+/* Executes the flow modification specified in 'fm'.  Returns 0 on success, an
+ * OpenFlow error code as encoded by ofp_mkerr() on failure, or
+ * OFPROTO_POSTPONE if the operation cannot be initiated now but may be retried
+ * later.
+ *
+ * This is a helper function for in-band control and fail-open. */
+ofproto_flow_mod(struct ofproto *ofproto, const struct ofputil_flow_mod *fm)
+    return handle_flow_mod__(ofproto, NULL, fm, NULL);
 /* Searches for a rule with matching criteria exactly equal to 'target' in
  * ofproto's table 0 and, if it finds one, deletes it.
@@ -2171,8 +2177,9 @@ is_flow_deletion_pending(const struct ofproto *ofproto,
  * in which no matching flow already exists in the flow table.
  * Adds the flow specified by 'ofm', which is followed by 'n_actions'
- * ofp_actions, to the ofproto's flow table.  Returns 0 on success or an
- * OpenFlow error code as encoded by ofp_mkerr() on failure.
+ * ofp_actions, to the ofproto's flow table.  Returns 0 on success, an OpenFlow
+ * error code as encoded by ofp_mkerr() on failure, or OFPROTO_POSTPONE if the
+ * operation cannot be initiated now but may be retried later.
  * 'ofconn' is used to retrieve the packet buffer specified in ofm->buffer_id,
  * if any. */
@@ -2451,7 +2458,6 @@ ofproto_rule_expire(struct rule *rule, uint8_t reason)
 static int
 handle_flow_mod(struct ofconn *ofconn, const struct ofp_header *oh)
-    struct ofproto *ofproto = ofconn_get_ofproto(ofconn);
     struct ofputil_flow_mod fm;
     int error;
@@ -2460,11 +2466,6 @@ handle_flow_mod(struct ofconn *ofconn, const struct 
ofp_header *oh)
         return error;
-    if (ofproto->n_pending >= 50) {
-        assert(!list_is_empty(&ofproto->pending));
-        return OFPROTO_POSTPONE;
-    }
     error = ofputil_decode_flow_mod(&fm, oh,
     if (error) {
@@ -2479,24 +2480,37 @@ handle_flow_mod(struct ofconn *ofconn, const struct 
ofp_header *oh)
-    switch (fm.command) {
+    return handle_flow_mod__(ofconn_get_ofproto(ofconn), ofconn, &fm, oh);
+static int
+handle_flow_mod__(struct ofproto *ofproto, struct ofconn *ofconn,
+                  const struct ofputil_flow_mod *fm,
+                  const struct ofp_header *oh)
+    if (ofproto->n_pending >= 50) {
+        assert(!list_is_empty(&ofproto->pending));
+        return OFPROTO_POSTPONE;
+    }
+    switch (fm->command) {
     case OFPFC_ADD:
-        return add_flow(ofproto, ofconn, &fm, oh);
+        return add_flow(ofproto, ofconn, fm, oh);
     case OFPFC_MODIFY:
-        return modify_flows_loose(ofproto, ofconn, &fm, oh);
+        return modify_flows_loose(ofproto, ofconn, fm, oh);
-        return modify_flow_strict(ofproto, ofconn, &fm, oh);
+        return modify_flow_strict(ofproto, ofconn, fm, oh);
     case OFPFC_DELETE:
-        return delete_flows_loose(ofproto, ofconn, &fm, oh);
+        return delete_flows_loose(ofproto, ofconn, fm, oh);
-        return delete_flow_strict(ofproto, ofconn, &fm, oh);
+        return delete_flow_strict(ofproto, ofconn, fm, oh);
-        if (fm.command > 0xff) {
+        if (fm->command > 0xff) {
             VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "flow_mod has explicit table_id but "
                          "flow_mod_table_id extension is not enabled");
diff --git a/utilities/ b/utilities/
index 7ce1ea9..6f74e10 100644
--- a/utilities/
+++ b/utilities/
@@ -775,6 +775,63 @@ using the Highest Random Weight algorithm, and writes the 
selection to
 Refer to \fBnicira\-ext.h\fR for more details.
+.IP "\fBlearn(\fIargument\fR[\fB,\fIargument\fR]...\fB)\fR"
+This action adds or modifies a flow in an OpenFlow table, similar to
+\fBovs\-ofctl \-\-strict mod\-flows\fR.  The arguments specify the
+flow's match fields, actions, and other properties, as follows.  At
+least one match criterion and one action argument should ordinarily be
+.IP \fBidle_timeout=\fIseconds\fR
+.IQ \fBhard_timeout=\fIseconds\fR
+.IQ \fBpriority=\fIvalue\fR
+.IQ \fBtable=\fInumber\fR
+These key-value pairs have the same meaning as in the usual
+\fBovs\-ofctl\fR flow syntax.
+.IP \fIfield\fB=\fIvalue\fR
+.IQ \fIfield\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]=\fIsrc\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR
+.IQ \fIfield\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR
+Adds a match criterion to the new flow.
+The first form specifies that \fIfield\fR must match the literal
+\fIvalue\fR, e.g. \fBdl_type=0x0800\fR.  All of the fields and values
+for \fBovs\-ofctl\fR flow syntax are available with their usual
+The second form specifies that \fIfield\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR
+in the new flow must match \fIsrc\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR taken
+from the flow currently being processed.
+The third form is a shorthand for the second form.  It specifies that
+\fIfield\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR in the new flow must match
+\fIfield\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR taken from the flow currently
+being processed.
+.IP \fBload:\fIvalue\fB\->\fIdst\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]
+Adds a \fBload\fR action to the new flow.
+The first form loads the literal \fIvalue\fR into bits \fIstart\fR
+through \fIend\fR, inclusive, in field \fIdst\fR.  Its syntax is the
+same as the \fBload\fR action described earlier in this section.
+The second form loads \fIsrc\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR, a value
+from the flow currently being processed, into bits \fIstart\fR
+through \fIend\fR, inclusive, in field \fIdst\fR.
+.IP \fBoutput:\fIfield\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR
+Add an \fBoutput\fR action to the new flow's actions, that outputs to
+the OpenFlow port taken from \fIfield\fB[\fIstart\fB..\fIend\fB]\fR,
+which must be an NXM field as described above.
+For best performance, segregate learned flows into a table (using
+\fBtable=\fInumber\fR) that is not used for any other flows except
+possibly for a lowest-priority ``catch-all'' flow (a flow with no
+match criteria).

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