On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 02:36:58PM -0700, Ethan Jackson wrote:
> > Well, in some cases, we *do* use a deterministic hash function to
> > generate tags (see tag_create_deterministic()), but in general I
> > regard randomly selected bits to be better, when we can afford to
> > store them, because to my mind it makes it harder for attackers to
> > force collisions.
> Oh sure, I wasn't criticizing the design decision, I hardly think
> storing 32bits of information per flow is an issue, and we probably
> get much better hashing characteristics out of this approach.

I wasn't taking it as a criticism, for what it's worth.

I'm actually not all that happy with the design.  It's clever, but
that's not really a good thing.  I keep hoping that some better design
(that is, one that is precise about what flows need to be revalidated
but still does not require a lot of careful maintenance of lists or
bitmaps that take up a great deal of memory) will magically
materialize.  I doubt it, though.
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