Thanks for your reply Marcus.

I would have updated you earlier, but had no good way of referencing this 

Upon further investigation, i found out the SSL cert was issued by “asus”. This 
led me to check my router. The Asus “AiProtection” settings had indeed blocked 
sourceforge (all mirrors) as “disease vector”.

Sorry for reporting this issue with you, as it was clearly a local problem 🤦🏻‍♂️
Thought you’d like to know the cause, as Asus is a fairly known brand, and you 
might get similar reports from others.


> 14. jan. 2025 kl. 19:56 skrev Marcus <>:
> Am 14.01.25 um 09:09 schrieb Geir Kristian Thunem:
>> has an SSL error.
>> This download link cannot be opened in Latest Brave for MacOS 13.6.7 due to 
>> Problem description    Exchange this text to describe the problem
>> (What does not work? What do you expect?)
>> Browser variables    Values
>> [...]
> I've downloaded a second ago and haven't seen a problem. So, in general it's 
> working.
> When you have problems with specific mirror servers then just change them. On 
> the SourceForge webpage there is a grey "Problems Downloading?" button. Just 
> click on it and choose a different mirror from the popup dialog.
> Marcus

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