Indeed, we may have found a workaround, the post has been updated
Le 14/08/2024 à 21:53, gretha le comte -meijer a écrit :
Thank you, I will do that.
It was a message on the board, to send all the details to this email..
Op wo 14 aug 2024 21:43 schreef Hagar Delest <>:
NEVER give your credentials like that in a mailing list,
especially if
it is a public one!
Try with registering with the mail
And use another password now that it's in the open.
If you don't get the activation mail, just tell.
Le 13/08/2024 à 15:13, gretha le comte -meijer a écrit :
> hi
> i'm trying to register for the forum openoffice but i have a gmail
> address...
> i read that i have to send an email in order to register..
> my username is GMM1984
> password Gretha1984!
> and ofcourse my email address:
> kind regards
> Gretha le Comte-Meijer