Greetings, Thanks for replying. As soon as launched the cygwin terminal my windows crashed multiple times so I reverted back to the previously created restore point.
I will be trying to install cygwin once again and I may need some help configuring it. Hoping for the best. Regards, Harsh ________________________________ From: Damjan Jovanovic <> Sent: 24 July 2024 09:30 AM To: <> Subject: Re: Error while setting up cygwin Hi Harsh Welcome to OpenOffice. There has to be a space between "cd" and "/bin", ie. "cd /bin" not "cd/bin". Please run "which awk" and then run "stat " followed by the file the previous command reported, and reply with the output. Regards Damjan On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 3:42 AM Harsh Giri <<>> wrote: Hello @dev Team, I was following the wiki on how to setup environment and i have faced multiple errors such as listed below. 1. There were some issues downloading the packages on cygwin 2. the commands mention in wiki are not executing properly (please refer to the attachment) [cid:ii_190e2e1741f4a8132cf1] Is there a way i can rectify if I have installed cygwin correctly on my system? Regards, Harsh