> On Jun 22, 2024, at 6:59 AM, Marcus <marcus.m...@wtnet.de> wrote:
> Am 22.06.24 um 14:53 schrieb Bidouille:
>>> I remember from old time that the QA team at Sun/Oracle had really a
>>> lot of documents for general and special testing.
>>> These were not part of the code repository and were loaded from their
>>> own test software. Maybe this is the link to the storage outside of
>>> the project.
>> If you have an URL, you can try to get with the WayBack machine
>> https://wayback-api.archive.org/
> they were stored on an internal server.
The Apache Tika and Apache POI projects make use of Common Crawl to create a
large corpus for regression tests.
Perhaps we can start to do the same? We can ask for help from Tika at
d...@tika.apache.org or POI at d...@poi.apache.org
> Marcus
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