For the record, I made further tests. I changed the admin email to
another mail provider ( and no luck either. I tested that same address with a forum of mine, running almost the same phpBB
version (same main branch) and it worked fine.
So I guess that the issue may be bigger than a mere gmail configuration
Le 04/05/2024 à 09:34, David a écrit :
Is there any likelihood that this problem will be resolved in the near
Dave Fisher wrote:
Hi -
I’m hoping to follow up on the host VM and investigate this issue.
I’m likely to need help from ASF Infra on the VM's smtp
configuration. BTW - we also need to make sure that changes don’t
break the MediaWiki which is hosted on that same VM.
On Apr 3, 2024, at 1:24 AM, David <> wrote:
More information. I did a little testing on a sandbox phpBB
installation, setting the From address to a valid gmail address. A
bounce message was received by the user apache - the user as which
the web server, and consequently phpBB, run. It might be useful to
check the mailbox for the user under which your httpd runs.
David wrote:
The settings for outgoing mail are in the General tab as Email
Settings in the Client Communication section - at least on a
vanilla installation of phpBB; it may be that you don't have access
to the entire range of admin functions.
Outgoing mail from the forum has the From field set as
From: <>
and the return path
Return-Path: <>
Perhaps this triggers Gmail's quarantine policy?
I can provide full headers for some examples of outgoing mails from
the forum if it would be of any assistance.
Hagar Delest wrote:
It seems to be a recent change:
I don't see anything in the phpBB admin interface for that.
I tried with another mail address, no Gmail off course, no luck
Le lun. 25 mars 2024, 21:22, Hagar Delest <>
a écrit :
For the record, there is a problem with the forum (at least the
EN one):
no notification is sent anymore to users with a gmail address. It
includes the activation mail at registration (rather critical),
the mail
when sent through the contact field, and notifications sent by
the board
when replies are made.
The admin mail (a gmail one) does not get any new mail too when sent
from the board (a mail sent from a gmail address does come
through if
sent from a regular mail client).
Not sure if it is linked to this one:
It stopped working around mid-March. If someone with the karma could
check the logs.
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