Hello Rizwan,

Thank you for taking interest in the OpenOffice Project.

We are not really organized in an industrial way. We are volunteers working on this project for the public welfare.

However we have always need for volunteers. One main difference is that we do not use hierarchical structures unlike common in industry.

We move by consent and meritocracy principles.

You know best how your skills are used. It is up to you how you engage.

 I see following topics in web sphere, without any priority applied:

 * robot.txt for mediawiki, forum (maybe better title is outtakes
   mediawiki & forum)
 * migration pootle
 * update mediawiki
 * migration blog to pelican
 * update opengrok
 * migration to container based services (actually I see that as part
   of above points)
 * we need to do something with the extension page
 * forum maintenance

anyone has more points web related?

All the best


Am 13.05.23 um 08:46 schrieb rizwan riaz:
Hey Everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to express my enthusiasm for joining the
OpenOffice developers community and contributing to shaping the OpenOffice
website. As an undergraduate university student expected to graduate next
year, I am eager to gain real-world experience that can complement my
academic knowledge and help me grow in the industry.

I bring a range of skills to the table that I believe could be valuable for
the OpenOffice project. I am proficient in *HTML5, CSS3, TailwindCSS,
JavaScript, Python, and C++*. Additionally, I have hands-on experience
building websites using *Django, Django Rest, and ReactJS*. I have taken
the initiative to create various projects and have showcased them on my
GitHub profile:https://github.com/iamrizwan077.

Joining the OpenOffice developers community would provide me with an
incredible opportunity to contribute to an open-source project and
collaborate with talented individuals who share a passion for software
development. I am excited to contribute my skills and knowledge to enhance
the OpenOffice website and make it even more user-friendly and functional.

I am confident that working with the OpenOffice developers community will
not only help me gain invaluable industry experience but also provide me
with the chance to learn from experienced developers and improve my
abilities in a collaborative environment.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility
of joining the OpenOffice developers community and making a meaningful
contribution to the project.

Best regards,


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