Hello Tom,

the best way is to have a good backup strategy.

This is the only way to avoid datalost.

You can't be sure to have a similar problem with other programs.

Kind regards


Am 12.02.23 um 00:44 schrieb Tom Leonard:

I have been a user and supporter of Open Office since it's first public release, and was extremely pleased when to project was taken under the wing of the Apache Foundation.  To me, this guaranteed it's long term success.

Unfortunately, with the latest windows version (4.1.x), the product has become so buggy that I've had to abandon it and turn to Libre Office. This last week, Writer crashed while saving an ODT document, and was unable to successful recover my work (recovery crashed).  4 hours of work lost.  Crash reports were generated, but that was the extent of it.

I really believe in the product, and have been an open source advocate since long before Linus came to the fore.  Please do what you can to make sure future releases are stable.

Thank you,

*Tom Leonard*
t...@tjleonard.net <mailto://t...@tjleonard.net>| 808-936-0222

Mechtilde Stehmann
## Apache OpenOffice
## Freie Office Suite für Linux, MacOSX, Windows und OS/2
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