
Am 16.01.23 um 03:47 schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
> Hi
> That's progress, because if you compare it to the previous build's
> ./configure:
> https://ci2.apache.org/#/builders/67/builds/509/steps/8/logs/stdio
> it no longer stops on the error:
> "configure: error: cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub",
> we got further to reach the awk error.
> So the automatic changing of line endings by git really was a problem, and:
> git clone -c core.autocrlf=false ...
> really did fix it :-).

Yes, it looks better!

Is this a native Windows git or the one inside Cygwin?

> Now regarding Awk, instead of doing:
> rm /bin/awk
> mv /bin/gawk.exe /bin/awk.exe
> can't we prepend PATH with a directory containing an "awk" script that just
> calls gawk.exe?

It would be great if there is a better way to do it. I just followed our
Windows building guide all these years.

But this is beyond my capabilities and one of the reasons why I cannot
maintain our buildbots anymore.



> Regards
> Damjan
> On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 12:54 AM Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Looking at:
>> https://ci2.apache.org/#/builders/67/builds/510/steps/8/logs/stdio
>> the problem is definitely awk/gawk.
>> Cygwin is at 3.3.3 and could be updated to 3.4.3. But remember to
>> downgrade make then...
>> Regards,
>>    Matthias
>> Am 15.01.23 um 12:25 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>> Hi Damjan, Peter,
>>> Am 15.01.23 um 09:58 schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
>>>> On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 10:11 AM Peter Kovacs <pe...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> Am 15.01.23 um 07:12 schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> I am trying to get all the buildbots working again, but there are many
>>>>>> problems...
>>>>>> 1. All the Windows buildbots are failing in "./configure" with:
>>>>>> configure: error: cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub
>>>>>> This could be due to \r\n line endings or a BOM on main/config.sub,
>> but
>>>>>> I've checked and it uses neither in Git, so I have no idea what's
>> wrong.
>>>>>> How do we retrieve config.log from the buildbot?
>>>>> maybe autoconf is missing? the win bots will fail anyways because of
>>>>> wrong awk.
>>>> autoconf is there.
>>>> I've now added "-c core.autocrlf=false" to "git clone" for the nightly
>>>> build, in case git is converting line endings during checkout. Let's
>> hope
>>>> it works.
>>> I don't think that this is necessary, the buildbots did work before with
>>> the old configuration.
>>> But every time gawk/awk is updated in Cygwin we need to run manual steps
>>> inside Cygwin:
>>> rm /bin/awk
>>> mv /bin/gawk.exe /bin/awk.exe
>>> (I hope I got it right, the instructions in Wiki were wrong before)
>>> This can be done by Infra.
>>> I already did the changes for Cygwin64, so Cygwin32 can now be removed
>>> from the machine.
>>>>>> 2. Git-based projects are supposed to use
>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/infrastructure-bb2 instead of the SVN-based
>>>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/infrastructure/buildbot2 that we
>> use.
>>>>>> They're different repositories, not different links to the same
>>> Gavin wanted to move our config location at some time. There are still
>>> other projects in SVN, though.
>>> Regards,
>>>    Matthias
>>>>> repository.
>>>>> I have updated the links in build column.
>>>> Thank you :).
>>>>>> 3. The "puppet" links on
>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Buildbot+info
>> are
>>>>>> dead. In the table on that page, all the "Build", "Host VM", and
>> "Logs"
>>>>>> links are dead.
>>>>>> It turns out that for "Logs", the link should be, for instance:
>>>>>> https://nightlies.apache.org/openoffice/buildlogs/linux64*/log/log/*
>>>>>> unxlngx6.pro.build.html
>>>>>> instead of:
>>>>>> https://nightlies.apache.org/openoffice/buildlogs/linux64*/log/*
>>>>>> unxlngx6.pro.build.html
>>>>>> probably because the buildbot's openoffice.py file does:
>>>>>> 'mkdir' , '-p' , 'log/logarch/log'
>>>>>> 'cp -fv log/*.html log/logarch/log'
>>>>>> mkdir -p buildlogs/linux64/log && cp -rp log/logarch/*
>>>>> buildlogs/linux64/log
>>>>>> so that's why we end up with the .../log/log/... in the path.
>>>>>> Ideas?
>>>>> no idea.
>>>>>> 4. On https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Buildbot, the "Buildbot
>>>>>> Configuration File" link was dead, but I was able to fix it to use the
>>>>> new
>>>>>> link. The link to the "overview" probably goes to the wrong page
>>>>> (shouldn't
>>>>>> it be the "Waterfall View" page on ci2.apache.org?).
>>>>>> 5. On https://nightlies.apache.org/openoffice/ all the "Build Logs"
>>>>> links
>>>>>> are dead. Many/all of the SDK links are dead.
>>>>> I am not sure but i think the sdks were deactivated.
>>>>> we can add them anytime if needed.
>>>> We need SDKs to build the test/ directory, though I am working towards
>>>> changing that.
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Damjan

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