Hi Carl,

Am 28.11.22 um 20:04 schrieb Carl Marcum:
> Hi Matthias,
> On 11/27/22 08:29, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can we disable users that were not active for long?
> What do you propose?
> That user account is very active :(
> Do we have a way to clean those up?
> Is there any way to throttle the amount of pages created or anything
> like that?
> I would also be for disabling inactive accounts and letting people
> request it to sysadmin@ or something like that if that would help.

That would also be my proposal. But I have no idea what is possible.
Andrea might know more?



> Best regards,
> Carl
>> Our Wiki is full of SPAM now due to "hacked" accounts...
>> https://wiki.openoffice.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions/Bell6557&offset=&limit=500&target=Bell6557
>> Regards,
>>     Matthias
>> Am 25.11.22 um 17:42 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>> Another bunch of "mysterious" posts:
>>> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/ClipArt_Energ%C3%ADa_SVG
>>> Regards,
>>>     Matthias
>>> Am 09.11.22 um 14:36 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
>>>> Bidouille wrote:
>>>>> https://wiki.openoffice.org/w/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&limit=500
>>>>> Somebody can ban Albryan @ comcast.net and remove his posts?
>>>> User blocked. As for posts, I'll delete them later today or tomorrow,
>>>> just the time to check recent and old activity in detail.
>>>> Regards,
>>>>    Andrea.
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