Nicole wrote:
I am a 4th year Technical Communications student in University. I am in a
group of 4 students tasked with completing a technical writing project. We
need to contribute to a 50+ page technical document revision. Or create a
new technical document that will be 30+ pages. This project would need to
be completed by November 19th 2022. Do you have any tasks available that
fit our course requirements?

Nicole D.

Hi Nicole;

In fact we do. We are currently involved in a major revision of our user documentation. The User Guides have not been touched since Version 3.3 of
If you and your cohort are interested, subscribe to the documentation 
mailing list and we can discuss the particulars there.The requirements 
are that you have access to to the latest Apache OpenOffice®, currently 
it is Version 4.1.3,  and a GitHub account.
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I look forward to seeing all of you on the documentation list.

Keith N. McKenna

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