Hi Pedro,

Am 21.08.22 um 19:13 schrieb Pedro Lino:
> Hi Matthias
>> On 08/21/2022 5:11 PM WEST Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de> 
>> wrote:
>> Normally, the update feed should be adjusted as soon as an extension
>> gets a newer version.
> That would be the ideal situation if it was operating automatically :) 
>> But the English dictionary is updated every month, so I think we should
>> reduce the update messages here.
> There is no need to reduce :)
> Updating is manual so we can decide what period is reasonable.
That's what I meant by reducing (the manual work). ;-)
>> I would suggest to start the update feed for the English dictionary
>> again for the September release and then to do it on a (roughly) 3 month
>> base.
>> How do others feel about it?
> +1
> 3 months sounds like a reasonable interval
>> BTW: Do we have an update feed for other dictionaries (e.g. Danish,
>> Ukrainian)?
> AFAIK if the users install any dictionary with a proper update link, they 
> will be notified of a new version when the update feed is updated.

I am not sure if an update feed for Danish exists, since the dictionary
was set up new at some point. [1]

Can you have a look, please?




> Regards,
> Pedro
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