This ooRexx program creates a swriter document which creates paragraphs that get right-, center-,
block- and left-adjusted. There is a routine that allows to fetch constant and enum values in an
ooRexx directory, such that sending the name of a constant or enum value will return the value one
has to use as an argument.
AOO_swriter_paragraphs.rex using OLE (object linking and embedding) with
Links: <>
Using OLE create a new swriter document, add paragraphs that get aligned
in four different ways. Demonstrates how to use UNO reflection and
incorporate UNO_CONSTANTS and UNO_ENUM values into a Rexx directory for
easier use.
/* create a text document, demonstrate how to align paragraphs */
serviceManager = .OLEObject~new('')
/* create text document */
desktop = serviceManager~createInstance('')
noProps = .array~new /* empty array (no properties) */
document = desktop~loadComponentFromURL('private:factory/swriter', '_blank',
0, noProps)
text = document~getText -- get text object
text~setString("Hello, this is ooRexx on:" .DateTime~new"!")
cursor = text~createTextCursor
ctlChars = getAsDirectory(serviceManager,
paraBreak = ctlChars~paragraph_break -- get paragraph break constant
paraAdj = getAsDirectory(serviceManager,
"") -- UNO_ENUM
arr = .array~of("right", "center", "block", "left") -- adjustments
do adj over arr -- iterate over adjustments, create string, adjust
cursor~gotoEnd(.false) -- position at end
text~insertControlCharacter(cursor, paraBreak, .false)
string = ("This paragraph will be" adj"-adjusted. ")~copies(8)
text~insertString(cursor, string, .true)
-- fetch appropriate adjust enum value from directory
cursor~setPropertyValue("ParaAdjust", paraAdj~send(adj))
/* Routine returns a Rexx directory containing all names and values of the
UNO_CONSTANTS or UNO_ENUM class name (needs to be fully qualified). */
::routine getAsDirectory
use strict arg serviceManager, unoClzName
dir = .Directory~new -- directory will get
dir~objectName = unoClzName -- allows to show the uno class it
ctxt = serviceManager~defaultContext
tdm =
reflClz= tdm~getByHierarchicalName(unoClzName)
if reflClz~isNil then return dir -- return empty directory
typeClass = reflClz~getTypeClass
if typeClass = 30 then -- UNO_CONSTANTS
dir~objectName = unoClzName "(UNO_CONSTANTS)" -- supply type info to
do c over reflClz~getConstants -- iterate over constant fields
name = c~getName -- fully qualified
name = name~substr(name~lastPos('.')+1) -- extract last word
dir[name] = c~getConstantValue -- store constant values with their
-- say "name:" name "->" c~getConstantValue
else if typeClass = 15 then -- UNO_ENUMERATION
dir~objectName = unoClzName "(UNO_ENUM)" -- supply type info to name
enumNames = reflClz~getEnumNames -- get all enumeration names
enumValues = reflClz~getEnumValues -- get all enumeration values
do i=1 to enumNames~items
name = enumNames[i]
name = name~substr(name~lastPos('.')+1) -- extract last word
dir[name] = enumValues[i] -- store enum values with their names
-- say "name:" name "->" enumValues[i]
return dir
P.S.: The short paper at <> introduces ooRexx briefly in ten pages, home
of Rexx based technologies is the non-profit SIG "Rexx Language Association" at