Registration works OK; I registered a new user, got the activation email and activated the account. Then posted a first message and (as moderator) approved it, but I _did not_ get the email advising of approval although the post was cleared. I did check junk as that was where the activation email ended up :-).

There is an apparent inconsistency on the mod control panel; some recent events that are displayed under the Moderator Logs tab do not appear under the Main tab.

While I'm on the topic, is there any chance the change to the search page I mentioned at might be implemented?

And, pushing my (our?) luck even more, the extensions Banhammer and stopforumspam mentioned in

On 5/2/22 17:28, Dave Fisher wrote:
The en and fr forums are available to test:

Please test these forums.

Known work to do:
- Restore the Apache Open Office logo in the header
- Return the Apache and Get OpenOffice information in the footer
- Avatars have moved in 3.3.7 need to determine how to move them.

The automatic mySQL migration from 3.0.9 seems to work but takes quite some 


On May 1, 2022, at 11:16 AM, Dave Fisher <> wrote:

Apologies for the late communication.

The forums are being updated from phpBB 3.0.9 to 3.3.7.

Differences so far:
1. The subsilver2 theme is no longer available.
2. Analytics are removed due to new ASF privacy policies. We can add back 
analytics that are compliant in the next weeks.
3. Search Display code is changed and I could not see how add 
({NEW_POST_COUNT}) into styles/prosilver/template/index_body.html
4. /style.php is no longer included.
5. /app.php is new.
6. /includes/ucp/ucp_register.php will need to be tested on the French forum.
7. /feed.php is reorganized and it was not clear how to add the customized 
rel=“alternate” to one of the links.

This doesn’t seem bad.
Language packs were found and AOO customizations are added.

I expect to finish late tonight - when ready there will be a test url.

Once the forums are put into maintenance the following will happen:

1. Make sure all the files and images that have been uploaded are copied.
2. Dumps of the mysql databases will be copied over.
3. Forum databases will be updated
4. Forum admins will have a chance to test.
5. Once live we’ll triage any issues.

Bidouille has access to the VM … any other forum admins who are already 
OpenOffice committers may request access.

A warning - this same VM hosts the wiki and the mysql databases.

I’ll be offline for a few hours before returning to this work and to answer any 


On May 1, 2022, at 10:43 AM, Peter Kovacs <> wrote:

Am 01.05.22 um 15:59 schrieb Rory O'Farrell:
On Sun, 1 May 2022 15:53:47 +0200
Peter Kovacs <> wrote:

Hello all,

please note, that we schedule a maintenance for the Forum in order to
move database and content to a new machine. This maintenance tasks
includes also a phpBB updates to a recent version, with all the Forum
Modification ported.

The downtime will take place from Monday, 2nd March 2022 1800 UTC until
the end of the same day.

All the best


Possible typo?  March in place of May?
Thanks Rory, It is May. My mistake.

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David Robley

Almost went crazy. Would have been a real short trip.

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