Hi Pedro,

Am 10.03.22 um 17:52 schrieb Pedro Lino:
> Hi Matthias
> Yes, it was updated on March 1st
> Thanks to Andrea's clear instructions we now have one more trained "staff" to 
> do this update ;)
> I can confirm that it also works perfectly under Linux using the 4.1.12 
> Nightly builds

Good to hear!

> Maybe this is a good enough motive to release 4.1.12 to all?

This and some other goodies.

I think we can plan the release at this point, so maybe we have
something ready in April?



> Regards,
> Pedro
>> On 03/10/2022 4:10 PM Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de> wrote:
>> Hi Pedro, all,
>> Am 19.02.22 um 17:56 schrieb Pedro Lino:
>>> Hi Andrea, all
>>>> On 02/13/2022 10:11 PM Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> I'm assuming lazy consensus on giving you permissions on the Extensions 
>>>> site (not the site itself, actually, but the shell access). You should 
>>>> post here your SourceForge username for you to be added.
>>>> Once we are ready with permissions we can then get into details of how 
>>>> the feed works.
>>> One week later, I assume no one opposes that I have permissions on the 
>>> Extensions shell access?
>>> Who can handle this so you can teach me further steps?
>> At least on Windows I now get an update notification for the English
>> dictionary.
>> So it seems to work again? Many thanks for that!
>> Looking at:
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/aoo-extensions/files/17102/75/dict-en-20220301_aoo.oxt/stats/timeline
>> the download numbers increase now!
>> Note: With the next AOO release the update notifications should also
>> work for macOS/Linux again.
>> Regards,
>>    Matthias
>>> Regards,
>>> Pedro
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