Hi Jim,
Sorry for the late answer.
On 05.03.22 23:15, Jim Woodworth wrote:
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the help in getting me started. Have just finished building.
great! :-)
I am on AlmaLinux 8.5 without a GUI. Am thinking I should be able to
start it up by typing "soffice" once I have the right rpm installed.
Question is which one? There are several.
If you do not have a gui, I am not sure how you want to use Apache
OpenOffice. The headless function is somewhat opaque to me, and I think
it has some issues.
You need to install all rpms. Apache OpenOffice is divided into several
However within the build folder there should be the build result. And
you can directly start AOO there.
With what configuration did you build? can you post to dev-Mailing list?
Also I cc the dev mailing list. There you can ask questions by sending
mails to the address. All developers will receive then your mail and can
Also you can subscribe and receive yourself all development
communication. Infos on this you can read at [4]
All the best
[4] https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html
Thanks again,
On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 1:20 AM Peter Kovacs <pe...@apache.org> wrote:
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the interest in OpenOffice.
If you are interested in contributing, I suggest to start step by
I think the best way is to familiarize with our setup. We offer a
[1] presence which makes it easy to access.
Try to sync the code from there. to your system.
And as a next step try to understand how to build OpenOffice from
I recommend our wiki guide [2] and Arrigos presentation [3] for
If you have questions or need help please ask.
All the best
[1] https://github.com/apache/openoffice
[2] https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/Building_Guide_AOO
[3] https://live.fosdem.org/watch/dapacheopenoffice
Am 02.03.22 um 19:06 schrieb Jim Woodworth:
> Hi,
> My name is Jim Woodworth. I have been working mostly with Perl
in Linux
> and Unix interfacing with various databases. The CMSs I have
used are
> Rational Clearcase, Subversion, and Git.
> My C++ experience is fairly light, so I am looking to expand on my
> knowledge with it and contribute to something along the way.
> I am very eager to get started contributing.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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