Hi Arrigo and All,
On 6/5/21 5:53 PM, Arrigo Marchiori wrote:
Hello Carl, All,
On Sat, Jun 05, 2021 at 03:47:12PM -0400, Carl Marcum wrote:
Hi Arrigo,
On 6/5/21 9:50 AM, Arrigo Marchiori wrote:
Dear Matthias, Czesław, All,
On Sat, Jun 05, 2021 at 12:39:16PM +0200, Matthias Seidel wrote:
Hi Czesław,
Am 05.06.21 um 12:35 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
Hi Matthias, all
A preliminary check in Calc (Windows 7, 64-bit)
(1) in-document links beginning with #
test: button with link to other sheet
result: OK (no security warning)
(2) .uno:XXX links
result: security warning
(3) Links to local files
test: the "Hyperlink" dialog, button "WWW Browser"
result: OK (no security warning)
That's what I expected, since the patches are for file://
.uno: hasn't been addressed yet
@Arrigo: correct me if I am wrong ;-)
You should have just become wrong ;-)
I found out that there are many checks on the URL protocol. I suggest
that the warning was not checked at the right moment, but too soon.
Because we had a report of unexpected _execution_ of malicious links,
I suggest we leave the safety check on hyperlinks _just before calling
the OS to execute them_.
The result is that HTTP, HTTPS, but also "uno:" and all other
protocols already understood by AOO are not checked, and no warnings
will appear. We could argue that their safety must be assured by the
code handling them, as we accepted to delegate the browser for
Internet links.
The latest commit, just pushed to branch bug128453, moves the check
for "safe extensions" (or directory) from the beginning of hyperlinks'
processing, to just before the execution of the link target by the OS.
The protocol is not checked any more, because supported protocols
are already filtered out and processed at that point.
This should make all links to non-files work again, and still warn
users when they are going to open JAR's, EXE's and other unknown
What do you think about this?
I like your thinking on this.
I'll build this branch on Linux and test using some of the test documents
and ones I've made to make sure I understand the different cases.
Then I'll report back.
You can find my 64 bit Linux builds here:
I tried the "beta" option of the build script... I hope it works.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Best regards,
I've built the bug128453 branch [1] on Linux CentOS 7 and ran the test
suite that included the hyperlink tests for the dialogs [2].
I put together some test documents here [3].
hyperlink-test-doc.odt has the same 9 links I have in the test suite
that threw the warning dialog with 4.1.10. plus there is a section of
http(s) links that should not display it.
There is a button that uses the .uno:Reload command that was throwing
the dialog in 4.1.10 that doesn't with this test build.
I've also included a section with file:/// links. 2 for the other file
hyperlink-test-target.odt and one inter-document link to one the
sections in the same test doc.
So far everything looks good and I get the warning everywhere I expect
to with one exception.
The smb://nonexistant.url.com link does not display the warning and I
get this output:
This tool has been deprecated, use 'gio open' instead.
See 'gio help open' for more info.
gio: smb://nonexistant.url.com/: The specified location is not mounted
Note that I build on CentOS 7 and use --enable-gio and
--disable-gnome-vfs in configure.
Maybe there is a reason the SMB protocol is treated differently than the
others when there is only the host section of the url?
I'm not saying this is bad but just different. We can discuss...
Best regards,
[3] http://home.apache.org/~cmarcum/hyperlink-tests/
Best regards,
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