
Am 11.05.21 um 20:04 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
> Done
>> On May 11, 2021, at 1:53 PM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
>> Will do... 
>>> On May 10, 2021, at 2:49 PM, Marcus <> wrote:
>>> Am 06.05.21 um 15:50 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>>> Am 06.05.21 um 15:08 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
>>>>> Once we tag HEAD of AOO41X to AOO4110
>>>> Can't wait! ;-)
>>>> I have dozens of commits to be backported to AOO41X...
>>> @Jim:
>>> Can you please create the release tag from the 41X branch? Then we can 
>>> close the relase schedule for 4.1.10.
>>> Thanksa
>>> Marcus
>>>>>> On May 6, 2021, at 8:28 AM, Matthias Seidel <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Just a pragmatic question:
>>>>>> When do we want to start working on AOO 4.1.11?
>>>>>> The sooner we branch it, the sooner we can do Test builds and let people
>>>>>> see if their problem is fixed...
>>>>>> Matthias
>>>>>> Am 05.05.21 um 23:31 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
>>>>>>> On 05.05.21 22:11, Arrigo Marchiori wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Peter, all,
>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 05, 2021 at 05:44:17PM +0000, Peter Kovacs wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 05.05.21 14:37, Arrigo Marchiori wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 05, 2021 at 07:08:11AM +0000, Peter Kovacs wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> The best approach I believe is to add a whitelist feature as for
>>>>>>>>>>> macro
>>>>>>>>>>> files.
>>>>>>>>>>> Users can add then the links they wish to approve.
>>>>>>>>>> Do you mean file-based whitelists instead of target-based?
>>>>>>>>>> I will try to explain myself better: the current filter on AOO 4.1.10
>>>>>>>>>> is target-based, because it is the target of the link that triggers
>>>>>>>>>> the warning. Are you suggesting to add a whitelist based on files, 
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> example "allow any links in documents from this directory"?
>>>>>>>>>> If so, would you use the same whitelist as for macros, or would you
>>>>>>>>>> introduce another one?
>>>>>>>>> I do not think that it makes sense to allow
>>>>>>>>> https://my.payload.crime/AOO_diskscrambler.ods to be seen as save
>>>>>>>>> target for
>>>>>>>>> opening and macro execution at the same time.
>>>>>>>>> Better is to have both separated. And the simple practicable
>>>>>>>>> solution is to
>>>>>>>>> just add an own list which allows targets to be listed.
>>>>>>>> I see.  But please let us distinguish targets and sources.
>>>>>>> Well, yea this is a nice abstraction I did not make. Good one.
>>>>>>>> The macros' whitelist contains _directories_ (I don't really like
>>>>>>>> calling them folders, I hope you don't mind) whose files are trusted,
>>>>>>>> with respect to macro execution.
>>>>>>> sure. Names are sound and smoke ;) - sorry can not resist this german
>>>>>>> IT idiom.
>>>>>>>> In your reply above you seem to discuss a whitelist of _link targets_?
>>>>>>>> Not documents, containing links that shall always be followed?
>>>>>>> Yes, I thought on the target of the link. For me was this the
>>>>>>> important trait.
>>>>>>> However if I think in which document I grant the security level. Hmm,
>>>>>>> I think this makes the whole concept a lot easier.
>>>>>>> Plus we would then one list. So we extend an existing feature.
>>>>>>>>> If we would want to have a vision, where we should develop to, this
>>>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>>>> mine:
>>>>>>>>> We have One list and 2 properties. 1 property for hyperlink
>>>>>>>>> whitelisting,
>>>>>>>>> the other one for (macro) execution. I like our 4 security stages.
>>>>>>>> The four security levels currently available for macros, if I
>>>>>>>> understand correctly, are based on a combination of:
>>>>>>>>  - digital signatures of the macros (signed or not),
>>>>>>>>  - trust of certain digital signatures (certificate trusted or not),
>>>>>>>>  - position of the document (directory whitelisted or not).
>>>>>>>> This is... quite complex IMHO.
>>>>>>> That why I have written it is maybe a vision. And maybe it is to much.
>>>>>>>> Did you refer exactly to this model?
>>>>>>> yes kind of. I thought that a hyperlink has some sort of certiicate
>>>>>>> and an macro can have some certification and that is kind of the same
>>>>>>> thing...
>>>>>>>> Or
>>>>>>>> shall we rather adopt a simpler one for links, for example only
>>>>>>>> considering the directories whitelist?
>>>>>>> Now that I think on your approach I think we should only look at the
>>>>>>> directory that the document has been opened from. But still I would
>>>>>>> still rather configure it per directory, then in a general and work
>>>>>>> with exclusions.
>>>>>>> However this is maybe not so smart to implement now, since our profile
>>>>>>> is not robust enough. It will break eventually, and then all nice
>>>>>>> settings are lost. And that is not something I would like to have.
>>>>>>>> And to understand better: does AOO allow to sign individual macros? Or
>>>>>>>> just the document containing them? I don't think that it allows to
>>>>>>>> sign individual links within a document.
>>>>>>> No it would not sign individual links on the document.- But don't we
>>>>>>> have document signing?
>>>>>>> For links we could check if the document is signed.
>>>>>>> So summing up:
>>>>>>> # Instead of checking where the hyperlink is refering to, only check
>>>>>>> where the document has been stored. (Treat hyperlinks as macros so to
>>>>>>> say.)
>>>>>>> # As an enhancement we could add a model that checks for the nearest
>>>>>>> applicable path to the document, and applies that rule.
>>>>>>>>> Example for a customized setup on a POSIX filesystem (security level
>>>>>>>>> 3 =
>>>>>>>>> very high and 0 = low; first value is hyperlink, second value is macro
>>>>>>>>> execution of this origin):
>>>>>>>>> /tmp  (3,3) => Everything in the temp folder does not open links or
>>>>>>>>> execute
>>>>>>>>> macros
>>>>>>>>> ~/ (2,2) => something that is within the home path, but not a folder
>>>>>>>>> listed
>>>>>>>>> below, may execute signed macros or open targets that have a trusted
>>>>>>>>> certificate
>>>>>>>>> ~/Downloads (2,3) => Downloads may open Links with a trusted
>>>>>>>>> certificate but
>>>>>>>>> not allow to execute any macros
>>>>>>>>> ~/onlymystuff (0,0) => this is my documents and I allow everything
>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>>> ~/macro_examples (3,1) => delivered example I do not want them to
>>>>>>>>> execute,
>>>>>>>>> but they may be not linked by another document.
>>>>>>>>> ftps:// ( 2,2) => this links pointing to this
>>>>>>>>> target are
>>>>>>>>> opened, and the downloaded file may execute macros if they are
>>>>>>>>> signed with a
>>>>>>>>> trusted key.
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