On 2021-04-24 05:19, Marcus wrote:
> Am 24.04.21 um 10:59 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
>> Release Notes 4.0   [*]
>> section "General Remarks", the 5th paragraph:
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> As always we welcome your feedback:
>> - Support questions are best directed to our community support forums.
>> - Bug reports (but not support questions) should go to to our Bugzilla
>> issue tracking system.
>> - General questions can also be sent to our public users mailing list.
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> I know that hardly anyone reads the Release Notes and the issue is
>> trivial,
>> but I musk ask:
>> Does anyone know / remember why the said paragraph vanished?
>> As of version 4.1, cf. the juxtaposition:
>> https://pasteboard.co/JYMNAbw.jpg
>> [*]
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes
> I don't think there was special reason. As you can see the the whole
> notes are very different compared with the ones from today. Even in the
> notes for 4.0.1 this text is no longer there.
> So, it's just the normal thing: Time is going by and things are
> evolving. ;-)
> However, we could add it back if you think it's essential.
> Marcus

I will be setting aside time tomorrow after church to go through and
redesign the template that is used to generate the release notes. I will
then generate a dummy release note and send to dev@ and hope there is
more feedback on it than there was on the original.


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