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On 26/2/21 6:33 am, F Campos Costero wrote:
Hi Michael,
This isn't the best place to get user support but I will make an attempt to
help. Select the menu Tools -> Options. On the left of the dialog that
opens, expand the OpenOffice list by clicking the + sign (The list may
already be expanded when the dialog opens). Select Print from the list. Is
Convert Colors to Grayscale selected? If so, deselect it.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 12:58 PM Michael Rooney <>

Good afternoon:

I have an issue that I hope you can help me with. It is as follows:

1) I am operating on *Windows 10*. I only use *Open Office 4.1.5*. My
computer is a home computer (Lenovo). I do not have MS Office and have for
several years happily used only Open Office for all my document preparation

2) When I *receive* colour documents I am able to print them in colour. I
am also able to print pictures in colour.

3) However, when I attempt to print* colour *documents that *I create
Open Office 4.1.5 they will only print in black and white even though I
instruct the printer to print the document in colour.

My printer is  *EPSON ET-2720* (Driver type: Type 3 - User Mode; Driver
version: . I contacted Epson technical support and after running
a series of tests they advised me that the problem does not rest with my
Epson printer but must be a glitch in the Open Office programme and
suggested that I contact Open Office to have it resolved. Hence, I am
writing to you.

I am not very computer savvy and so I hope that you can help me to resolve
this issue as I am at a total loss. Many thanks.

Warm regards,


David Robley

A bad random number generator: 1, 1, 1, 4.33e+67, 1, 1, 1

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