dear all

if you think I can help testing with the issues in opening .docx etc, I will be 
glad to.

I am based in Italy, and I work mainly on text documents at the University of 
Udine, teaching Hungarian and text analysis.

thanks for the great job, folks

Paolo Driussi
(L-LIN19 FIlologia ugrofinnica)

Università degli Studi di Udine
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici e del Patrimonio Culturale
via Mazzini, 3
I-33100 Udine (Italia)

tel. + 39 0432 556511<>

private address
I-33100 UDINE
via Zuglio 19/a
+39 0432 44383

mob. (I) +39 348 2241765

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